sem1precious wrote:
Hi, I am Jennifer.
But I think that because I can "talk" to them, that they think I'm ok, or something. However, if they were to put me in a room with two or three of them, they would be able to see my problems very obviously. I can seem to be normal when talking one on one, but any more and I get lost very easily. I can also only handle "acting normal" for short periods of time, during which I experience increasing levels of anxiety.
I don't know how much I need to put on here for an intro, but I think I'm done for now. I was wondering, though, if anyone else has had problems with Psych's not wanting to give a diagnosis.
hi jennifer, welcome to WP
i think for an intro this will do very nicely indeed, thank you very much -
AND she's polling us already ...
problems with diagnosis? no - no problem at all -
but there's a bit of a story there which should have found its way into my blog here, but i keep procrastinating -
first, mid-ish december last, i started assuming 'it' was not 'self-evaluated'
a-typical Borderline Personality Disorder, and i went to my gp for a referral
for diagnosis on the basis of hypothesized Schizoid (or Schyzotypal) PD -
he certainly agreed i was in some kind of trouble;
we/i soon received an invite from a general hospital for a first consultation - but not before another month
then, just before xmess, i found myself surfing around pervasive disorders, tumbled onto AS, self-diagnosed at least hypothetically,
then stumbled upon WP where i instantly self-identified, i simply knew
i read stories of problematic diagnosis, and got worried over what exactly
the general hospital, psychiatry department had in store for me...
their site termed it 'integral diagnostics'
which could mean almost anything, which therefore means nothing
with growing doubt as to the referral, i then more or less lucked into non-
official confirmation from an acquainted orhtopaedic professional specializing
in autism and not unaccustomed to late-life-diagnosis
she, emelie, immediately got social work involved in what was now 'case'
and would arranged for me to see a private practice psychiatrist -
who i knew from her to be quite up to date with lldx
while he however took his time to be contacted, there was no way i was going to cancel the one appointment i was sure of -
two days before which i finally saw the ppp, who apparantly had had no input from emelie, and couldn't believe i suggested AS or autism
he would take two or three appointments to preliminarily estasblish that i had
adhd, bipolar disorder, and/or simply high iq
i was started on ritalin and we would continue next week
especially the latter had me seriously worried - could hiq possibly be a stand-
alone diagnosis??? however, earlier that day i had miserably, one could even
say autistically failed to cancel my superfluous other appointment -
i received a letter the next day not only telling me i had not been removed from the list, but if i also would be so kind as to show up an hour earlier
who was i to refuse an instant second opinion, even pending the first?
i was immediately taken off ritalin, started on lithium, and would i be willing to
consider a fourtnight's stay for observation and diagnotic purposes
would i - of course i would
like you i assume, jennifer, i am a different person one-to-one than in any other situation, and different again when simply left to myself -
so yes of course mewouldst
clearly, they suspected bipolar, but they were aware of my opinion, and i felt
on a personal level i trusted the detached scientific attitude of the supervisory psychiatrist
i was put on top of the waiting list and taken in just over a week later -
it all went so expeditiously that had i still been on the schizoid fence,
it would certainly have fallen over to the schizotypal side -
i had visions of white suits and straightjackets
and public relief from having another clear&present danger off the streets
i was admitted by the end of january, after two weeks i felt they were starting to shift towards my position (with no insistence from my part) and after three weeks they caved in: AS, however atypically
thanks (sem1) precious pennyjenny for luring me out of procratination ville
a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it
may your god forgive you