pechenegs wrote:
Hi folks, I just discovered last week that i have aspergers or i'm like 99 per cent sure. just saw my doctor yesterday and i'm being referred to see a shrink soon!
i think i'm probably a more high functioning aspie as i cna maintian eye-contact, well mostly, i have had a few relationships with members of the opposite sex, and i have had many female friends, now all gone mostly cos i pissed them off by something i said or i just didn't make a move on them cos i don't know what they wanted or i didn't realise at the time that they were interested in me! lol
Anyway, it's good to see oneself in what others have written on this board and at another aspie site, I had a good laugh at all out foibles and quirks! :)
I'm also 42!
Hi Welcome. Glasgow?? I'm in Minnesota USA, but I do genealogy and my dad's family comes form Glasgow area. Lochgilphead. Of course, almost 200 yrs now.
My ex had Aspergers, we were both lawyers. (I'm 60) He (54) is an Indian Tribal Judge. He really does pretty well, considering some of his problems reading people. Most Indians think white people are wierd anyway, so I guess they don't notice any of our odd behavior as unusual. (That's a joke)
My present "friend" a clinical psychologist, teaches kids with Aspergers to overcome some of their obstacles, how to recognize & cope. People can be so mean to what they don't understand or won't even attempt to understand.
I have my problems, too. Severe Depression. My approach to a problem is pro-active. I try to find out as much about it and deal with it the best I can by either monitoring, changing, or accepting.
I am into training Chesapeake Bay Retrievers for Hunt Tests and Field Trials. Right now I feel pretty bad from stomach flu and too much exercise while my electrolytes were low, yesterday. I had terrible leg cramps and wanted to throw up all night. I was supposed to shoot ducks for the dogs yesterday, and I was so shaky I couldn't even hold the gun.
Anyway, I want to congratulate you on being pro-active about Aspergers. Remember, it is only "part" of what makes you, you. Get mad as hell at everybody who misunderstood you, but move on. There is lots of life, love and happiness out there. There are lots of us women who think you guys are just perfect. I used to tell my ex how handsome I thought he was, but he thought it was frivilous and stupid. But I really meant it and I really loved him the way he is. Just try to remember that when someone compliments you.