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22 Apr 2008, 8:48 am

Hi all, glad to have found this wonderful place.
My son who is 12 has just been diagnosed with Asperger's. We are from The Sunshine Coast in the state of Queensland, Australia.
I must say although i am totally relieved to know that my instincts and gut feelings have been validated, its a little scary knowing where to go next and how to get the school on board with helping him. Looking forward to making some new freinds here and learning lots lots more.




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22 Apr 2008, 8:52 am

You've come to the right place, Lissa. The members here will be happy to help you out :D


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22 Apr 2008, 9:16 am

I look forward to finding out what your son's and your gifts are.


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22 Apr 2008, 9:25 am

Welcome Lissa67! :)

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22 Apr 2008, 10:35 am


Yes, validation for what you suspect is great isn't it :D




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22 Apr 2008, 2:02 pm

Welcome to the forum Lissa!! :D

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22 Apr 2008, 2:52 pm

Welcome to WP!

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22 Apr 2008, 3:45 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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22 Apr 2008, 3:48 pm

Nice to meet you, Lissa. :) 8)

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22 Apr 2008, 5:26 pm

Heya Lissa, I'm from the Gold Coast.

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22 Apr 2008, 9:19 pm

Hi everyone and thankyou so much for the warm welcome. :P

hi to all my aussie counterparts, I am finding there are some differences as to how this is approached in the various countries especially with education, so Im looking forward to being able to learn a great deal.

Am also looking forward to finding out about support groups and if other AS mums and dads organise social get togethers, I dont know if it works like this, but my logic says that our kids would have a better time together than with other kids simply because they understand what the kids with AS are going through too.. kind of kindred spirit element... correct me if Im wrong, as you know Im knew to this....



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22 Apr 2008, 9:42 pm

Hi Lissa, Welcome to WP


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05 May 2008, 8:02 am

Hi everyone... I wasnt sure where to ask this question and since im new and this is my "im a newbie" post i figured i would start here... I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of the boards to where I would find information on "stimming".. Ive read this word in a few posts and so far in all the reading and research ive been doing since our diagnosis, Ive either missed it (im a little information overloaded at the moment) or I havent come across it yet. Thanks in advance..

Oh and quick share of a proud moment...

I look forward to finding out what your son's and your gifts are. lelia

Well I found a new gift!!.. Its a long story but I will give the short version. I have a market stall I sell at occassionaly on a sunday here on the sunshine coast when im feeling energic enough to get up at 2am and put up a marquee and around lunchtime just as I was starting to pack up, my son (12 soon to be 13) went with a freind to the river which the markets are on to take her dog for a swim before going home.. he subsequently found the only oyster patch along the whole stretch of sand and sliced his left foot open from his big toe to the bottom of the ball of his foot.. they come back he is roughly bandaged up and quite bloodied.. so I pack up.. he is in the next stall with angie, a massage therapist and healer being better bandaged up & having some healing while im franticallly packing the stall up, in my mind I am freaking... oh god here we go, doctor, needles, stiches.. and in the foot of all places.. (if you have ever had a needle in your foot for stitches you will know it is the most painful thing ever .. well in my book of pain it is the worst) anyway.. Im having a war in my head all the while keeping it together on the outside.. 'he is going to have a tsunami, he is going to lose it.. god they will have to sedate him to stitch it'.. then im saying.. 'no no he will be fine.. we've been practising our relaxation and breathing and focusing and taking our mind away from the oncoming tsunami'.. anyway.. Ive called the medical center and warned them that we are coming and that he could have a tsunami... bla bla bla an hour later at the medical centre.. here is my gorgeous jellybean lying on the bed with the most wonderful nurse who suggests glueing the wound and butterfly stitches instead of the trauma of needles and real stitches.. but we must have a tetnus shot so with a slight look of worry on N's face low and behold he breathes.. he talks about pokemon.. he breathes some more.. uses his focusing and talks and talks and talks about anything and everything he could, we even joked about if we have to cut off the foot we would stuff it and make a nice crystal ball holder for it.. half an hour later.. his wound (which was quite bad, 3 slices not just one) is glued up, butterfly stitched and he has his tetnus shot without so much as a grunt.. IM SO PROUD :D What a boy.. he is really growing into a beautiful brave young man who is learning to use his gift for focusing on one subject to his advantage in scary situation.. .. I just had to share that with you.. my family and freinds dont yet understand what a huge accomplishment this is for him but I thought here at least we would both be understood..

thanks for this wonderful place ..



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05 May 2008, 10:39 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet.


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05 May 2008, 11:02 am

Hi, Lissa!

Welcome to Wrongplanet!

I hope you enjoy posting here!

Jason Larsen
[email protected]