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22 Apr 2008, 6:14 pm

Hi All;
New to the board, and I know this seems odd, (or would if I were to post it anywhere else), but how many of you have syndactity (sp?) or webbed toes. I do, and also have an exceptionally high IQ. I'm somewhat befuddled by the connection but apparently someone has made one. I would also be curious of your IQ if you know it.



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22 Apr 2008, 7:44 pm

No webbed toes, sorry. And my IQ tends to test in the low to mid 120's range, not so high.
Seems I can't even be normal at being abnormal.


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22 Apr 2008, 8:06 pm

Nice to meet you, NOBS. :) 8)

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22 Apr 2008, 8:34 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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22 Apr 2008, 8:42 pm

I had webs between my big toes, but they shrank away as I grew up
I remember people would go eewww duck feet :lol:
Anyhow Welcome to WP NOBS


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22 Apr 2008, 9:09 pm

Welcome NOBS! :)

I can't say what my IQ is, I don't know it. Last online test I did I scored an 88, but I was feeling a little impatient that day.

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22 Apr 2008, 9:21 pm

Welcome to WP!

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27 Apr 2008, 2:32 pm

NOBS wrote:
Hi All;
New to the board, and I know this seems odd, (or would if I were to post it anywhere else), but how many of you have syndactity (sp?) or webbed toes. I do, and also have an exceptionally high IQ. I'm somewhat befuddled by the connection but apparently someone has made one. I would also be curious of your IQ if you know it.


You have webbed toes too? Wow, I thought I was the only one. As for the whole connection between high IQ an webbed toes thing, I couldn't say.I've had IQ tests ranging anywhere from profoundly ret*d to genius.So in that case,I use selective hearing and think of myself as having a high IQ.


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27 Apr 2008, 3:24 pm

Hi Dark _Red_Beloved;

Yes, I do. They are symetrical on both feet, the two toes next to the big toe, webbed up to the base of the nails. This somewhat runs on my fathers side of the family, but to a much lesser degree of webbing. I am the only person I have known with this condition. If you'll google webbed toes, you'll find it's more common than we had thought. Supposedly Dan Aykroid was born with this condition and may be AS. A current obsession of mine is the source of intellect. EG: nature vs. nurture.

Regards, and good swimming;)

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27 Apr 2008, 3:33 pm

no webbed toes and my iq is 124 ut i am a child so that not be my full score.


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27 Apr 2008, 4:59 pm

NOBS wrote:
Hi Dark _Red_Beloved;

If you'll google webbed toes, you'll find it's more common than we had thought. Supposedly Dan Aykroid was born with this condition and may be AS. A current obsession of mine is the source of intellect. EG: nature vs. nurture.

Regards, and good swimming;)

*Thinks for a bit, then types syndactyly into search engine* Well, whaddya know. It is more common than we thought--and what's more,the first page alone is largely composed of blogs/people's personal stories.(like the link below)Sweet. Although come to think of it,I find it mildly amusing that people think a little extra skin makes us swim better. :lol: ... _toes.html

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07 May 2008, 2:28 pm

I am NT but I have webbed toes!! My sister, my dad, my uncle, and both of my dad's parents had webbed toes (no they were not related). My son has them, but my daughter does not. On all of us, the left is worse than the right.
My IQ is in the 120s.