Axon wrote:
Cheers all, thx for the welcome.
Yeah asplanet, it wasn't so much of a shock as a relief. For a few years now I've been pretty sure that I've had ASD tendencies (as do many people who wouldn't meet the clinical requirements), but not till recently had I seriously considered that those tendencies might be strong enough to get me qualified as a fully licensed Aspie.
When I was studying mathematics at university in the early 90's I had met plenty of individuals who, in retrospect (as I didn't learn about Asperger's till a few years ago), fitted the classic Apsie stereotype much more clearly than me. So when I learned about the condition, I thought I knew what it meant, but in truth I only got part of the picture.
You see I'm one of those whose weirdness isn't obvious to most others, unless they get to know me fairly well (and not necessarily even then either). I've pretty much overcome the level of social clumsiness I exhibited as a kid, which itself wasn't enough to isolate me, though sufficient to often put me a bit out of sync with the crowd. Furthermore, I've got excellent agility, balance and motor coordination - I'm very skilled at dancing, inline skating, and playing the cello, for instance. And I've often been complemented on my choice of clothing. So I figured that while I was indeed a bit like those guys in the uni computer lab in some ways, I was also quite different from them, which I thought meant I couldn't be a fully fledged Aspie. I had failed to realise that the definition of Asperger's covers a much wider range of personal qualities and personality types than I had thought.
What brought me around to deciding to get an assessment was the hey-if-you're-so-damn-smart-then-you-should-be-able-to-do-anything-the-rest-of-us-can factor. I know many of you will know what I'm talking about. And so according to the Wechsler test, which was part of my assessment, my processing speed was found to be lower than average, as opposed to my results in the other categories, which were all high to exceptional. Mind you, I'm not regarding the test as Gospel (I can see how the system has notable flaws and prejudices) but I do feel that it has made a good point all the same. I can think deeply and thoroughly, far moreso than the vast majority of humanity, but I'm really not too good at thinking on my feet.
And now I look forward to learning even more about Asperger's and how it manifests itself in me, as well as learning how to harness it properly.
Welcome Axon, I very much relate to your experience.