Hi, I just joined WP. I am not sure I have AS, if I don't, I definately carry some of the traits. WP is the first place I have felt like I am surrounded with so many people so similar to myself and hope we can relate. I am kind of nervous and anxious about being here and think you should all make me feel welcome.
NO, dont just say 'Hello, Welcome to WP CroLigaLax!'.
I think you should all tell me something that you think I should know, followed by a question asking me about myself or my opinions.
You can be silly, serious, sillerious or seriousilly!! !
ps - 'Sillerious' is being serious in a silly way, 'seriousilly' is being silly in a serious way.
pps - You have to state if your reply is silly, serious, sillerious or seriousilly.
ppss - This post fits into the sillerious category, I am being serious in a silly way.
pppss - Also, try say "silly, serious, sillerious, seriousilly" really fast.
pppsss - I want to know if you could do it, I couldn't.
ppppsss - I just tried again and got it, practice.....?
ppppssss - I just added this 'ppppssss' so there is an even amount of p's and s's