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Also, things like the AQ Test or the Aspie Quiz can help focus your mind on what problems you may or may not experience.
That could help give you an idea of the degree of your Aspieness, but is no substitute for a proper diagnosis, of course.
Remember that all Aspies are different and their experience of AS is different too. As can be argued that just because you have traits X,Y or Z doesn't mean you're an Aspie, not having traits A,B or C doesn't mean you're not an Aspie either. Hope that makes sense!
The core impairments that define AS are problems in Social Communication, Social Understanding and Imagination:
This page from the National Autisitc Society might help in defining that and help you relate (or otherwise) your issues better.
-~ God-damn the day that I was born ~
The night that forced me from the womb ~-