kitty2 wrote:
Hiya all,
I guess you introduce yourself before you join a forum so... here I am. I am in my late 30s, female. Self diagnosed aspie for now. I hope to able to get a proper diagnose some day, just to get a bit more understanding from my surroundings (I hope) since Asperger is more common with men than women. I have had lots of tests when I was a teenager, early 80s and the results were generally/roughly: extremely stubborn, very ego centric, lacking social abilities (socially clumsy) and an IQ of 134.... I was curious why I felt/was different from other people and what the results of all these tests meant. After a long time of wondering/looking for answers I finally know now....
So uhhh Hiya all???!
Welcome.. i went through all the same things. So can certainly relate to where you're coming from.
When in trouble or in doubt; run in circles scream and shout.