Kerry Mac here. Wow am I glad to find other weirdos on this crazy planet! I've been walking around for 23 years (well more like 22 actually walking) thinking I was just a loathesome b***h who didn't care for other people much.
I'm an undiagnosed Aspie, and in fact, although my Mum suspected I had Asperger's back when I was growing up, I think we kind of decided against it. It didn't really fit in with my plans you know? And besides, I thought you had to have periodic obsessions with things ranging from Robbie Williams to lawnmowers to join the club.
However, recently I've had to admit - and been happy to admit, because it's an explanation - the eye contact, lack of social interest, obsessive interest in writing music and doing radio stuff and the belief that the world can be explained in digits and in fact does regularly communicate in digits...well it's all looking a bit wrong planetish isn't it? I mean it's weird - I really don't understand how anyone CAN be comfortable with eye contact and I can never understand why people WANT to fritter their life away at pointless social events when they could be doing something constructive and how anyone can fail to see numbers/letters/weekdays etc in colour is beyond me.
Anyway, I was initially a bit depressed by the thought that I had a brain problem that means you kind of see the world through coloured glasses, but hell, then I got to thinking, maybe we're the next stage up from the rest of the mob. That WOULD explain why I've had virtually no friends forever. I'm just above them all. HA HA just kidding. I'd love to get to know some people here so there's the proof I'm not anti social.
Great to see so many likeminded people at last. You're all far cleverer than I though!
People tell me one thing one day and out the other.