It's rather ironic that I discovered this site because of that kid who was a supposed member here who killed a bunch of people and then himself.
(ahem, I'll start over)
Greetings, my name is Andrew. I'm almost 26 years old, and I'm certain that I have Aspergers or at least something in the autism family. I come off as "different" to most. Most of the time I'm misunderstood. I communicate something as a matter of fact and literally, but people tend to interpret me with their own personal bias (and thus think of me as rude and uncaring). I have most of the quirks and traits of the listed common symptoms of Aspergers.
I'm also a type one diabetic (insulin dependant) and now my eye doctor is concerned because I have occular hypertension. Bleh, I seem to be a collective mixture of fun medical conditions.
(perhaps I shouldn't write my welcome post while on a down cycle after being dealt bad news)
Mostly I'm into gaming and computers and electronics. I guess it's a perfect fit for someone who's got a very strong social aversion such as myself.
Comments? Questions? Threats? Hellos? Whatever, it's all good