I have found, through repeated test phases, that if I only eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and NOTHING else, my mental abilities take a large jump after 4-7 days. It intrigues me. When I switch back to the normal junk that everybody else eats, I never feel myself going back down. But when I switch back to fruits and vegetables, after the fourth day I start to feel a wondrous increase in my memory and focus abilities. My mechanical energy also increases, to the point that I had to go and buy a total gym just to keep from bouncing off the walls. I have not found anybody else that shares this phenomenon, so I am thinking maybe there is some type of food in particular that my body does not handle well. But anyway, hello fellow herbivore.
Puts hand up, found one now
Have you looked gluten and or dairy. What you describe sounds like what I went thro. And it is very common for aspies to be. Its not really like celiac your body converts them to something like morphine no joke that may explain the brain fuz
oh yah hi have fun hear
S?cuse me my reason is currently on holiday