It's ironic that a tragedy like the recent event in Orange County puts the site on the map, but that's how it goes. I don't know whether I'm aspie or not, but I seem to fit the general profile: Extreme difficulty with social skills in unstructured circumstances (I can usually struggle through okay and sometimes even well when I've got the map in my head), combined with some pretty good (if I do say so myself) abstract skills. I'm 50 YO, and happy about that, as I've gradually picked up enough reflexes to get through. So take heart, you youngsters: If you manage not to jump off the bridge for a few more years, you, too, may learn a few tricks, as impossible as that may seem. I can't guarantee that, but then there aren't many real guarantees to be had. And maybe I'm not even an aspie; maybe I'm just lazy and self-indulgent. I don't know. I don't take meds or seek psychiatric help (other than a cup of medicinal ethanol on occasion, if you know what I mean), because I sense -- rightly or wrongly -- that there's nothing to be done other than soldier on. I have at times been fascinated by all things psychiatric in a sort of recreational way, but I'm not sure I believe there's a science or discipline behind it. I could say more, but I'm not sure what, since I don't seem to have a point, other than to note the "John & Ken" item (on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles) and say "hi".