lionesss wrote:
AND he also said because my social skills are pretty good, I do not fit into the AS category. And HFA alone is not a dx!! (his words, not mine!)
Hi welcome Lionesss, many of us are self diagnosed, because to be honest often the professional world in regards to the autism spectrum, do not have a clue... looks like you need to find someone else to access you... of course when we are older many of us have had to change and adapt, often at our own expense medically. Firstly I do not really agree with high / Low functioning autism, we are on the autism spectrum or not. But would love to know if HFA High Functioning Autism is not a dx - what is it!! !
Like yourself I am a mother with 2 children, one now diagnosed with none verbal learning, crosses over with Asperger traits... they like to unnecessarily complicate things, when they themselves are not sure! I was diagnosed myself just over 1 year ago with Aspergers. But instead of getting the support and help, it was like I had to help them understand and also convince...
Some of my story may help you a little, to know if your on the autuism spectrum or not...
Making Sense 1 year after being diagnosed - last update July 2008 ... Itemid=129
For self diagnosis a few things you can do:
So before being diagnosed, write down as much information as you can will really help, back to when you were a child. As we get older we learn to change and adapt, does not mean we do not still have those differences, do what your doing now research and read as much as you can and then decide, if you feel you are I always say its best to know for sure and be diagnosed, as its not about the label, its about true identity.
Some things you can do, list, criteria ands test:
AS Symtoms (Full Official Criteria):
The Official Aspergers AQ TEST - Could you be on the spectrum !
My list of Characteristics of Children to Adolescences AS symptoms
Good luck, as it can take some time.. finding a good specialist really helps, highly recommend.. If in UK contact National Autistic Society UK one of the more helpful bigger national sites...
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