well, thank you. It's still not all smooth sailing, both in our relationship and the rest of my life. The process of finding and getting a job is absolute torture for me. It took me a long time to convince her that it wasn't just laziness and lack of motivation too. Even going in some place and asking for an application of giving someone my resume if awful, let alone following up and interviewing. 99% of the time I'm sure I end up coming across as disinterested if not downright rude, but it's just that it's so hard for me to talk to people. And of course I don't know I'm doing it at the time. I've been lucky in the jobs I've managed to get, most of them haven't required much in the way of interaction with the general public.
I'm kind of afraid of coming across as a fake without a real diagnosis, the only person in my life I've talked to about AS is my wife, and even that only recently. I was screened multiple times for ADD as a child, and every time it was either they psych thought I was fine or not bad enough to justify doing anything about. One even came right out and said "It's not ADD, it's just ignorance," I was about 10. I couldn't believe that a so called professional would ever say something like that.
In retrospect I can see some of the symptoms in younger me, I would pick something and absorb everything I possibly could about it. I would then go on, and on about it to no end, not letting anyone else get a word in. I never got along well with much of anyone. I've been accused my whole life of being both self loathing and acting like I'm better than everyone. I never could tell if people were being seriously mean or if it was all in good fun. I never understood what was wrong with how I said things and why they made people upset (still don't). I've had teachers think I was dumb. I've had teachers think I was brilliant, and just didn't apply it. I've had teachers think I had ADD (hence all the screening). I never wanted to do group work, even the things that were supposed to be group projects I always wanted to be in a group of one. I could never do creative writing assignments to save my life. When I even tried I was always told that I wasn't being creative enough and my characters were flat, and other such garbage. I would write papers that read through smoothly and made perfect sense to me, and get told that it was incoherent, or lacked proper transitions. I never minded learning the nuts and bolts of language, it was the stupid crap that got to me. Having to write fiction. Having to write an opinion paper on an issue I really had no opinion about. Being told I was wrong for presenting both sides of an argument for the sake of completeness. I actually was relieved when an english teacher pulled out the grammar books.
Before I knew about AS, the aspie traits made me hate myself, I spent most of my teenage years and early 20's depressed and withdrawn. I wish there was a way I could know for sure, but I just can't afford to see anyone, and am also afraid of just being blown off, or just stuck on an antidepressant and told to go away. I feel like no one will believe me.
It makes me so angry when people wont accept "I don't know" as an answer to "how are you?" or "how are you feeling?" If I knew i might tell you If I say I don't know, it's because I don't!
I'm sorry this turned into such a rant. Being an aspie is something I keep hidden from most of the people in my day to day life. It feels good to be able to let it out in a space where others have a good chance of understanding what I'm going through instead of trying to blame it on something else, or treating me like I'm doing something wrong for the way I am.
This seems rambling and random even to me. I hope that it all makes sense.