hi. I am a new member. I joined today at the request of ik. Normally i don't participate in such forums, mostly because they tend to go downhill pretty fast. As for instance my conversation with burneses22 whos now so upset that hes thrown
a handful of ad hominems at me in the religion forum. Boring.
I am an aspie, I am autodidactic, and I am currently working on a project and I would like to say that I desperately need
your help. I have recently started (3 months) a BBS which is an open source think tank. It will also soon have a companion Wiki. I am having a very hard time getting it launched, mostly because its just not the sort of thing that NTs in general can wrap their heads around.
So, I am really hoping that us aspies can get together on this and that you all will help me. I really need the help.
i'm rapidly approaching the paradox of appearing to be on a soap box if i continue to post to myself. I do have two participants, but thats not really enough.
PLEASE PLEASE Please come join me on my site. If you do, I'll even come spend more time over here.
Its a wonderful site, truly it is. I have a long list of forums and I have personally populated them with lots of stuff.
(okay, and some large amount of wikipedia theft...but, only maybe half.)
Hello. At some point in time we connected on tribe as friends and So I am now more or less contacting all of my Friends to inform
them that I am moving on from tribe and that I have found/ created something which I feel is much better. It is still very much a work in progress,
and our hostess is very busy but getting back to us concerning the boards appearance and smilies. Very soon we will have not only a BBS,
(Bulletin board sysem with many different forums) But also a Wiki. I sincerely hope that you will join me there and that it will and can serve your
needs for information, community, and mental, emotional, and spiritual stimulation.
The main focus of the board is to create an open source problem solving library. However there are more casual forums for just hanging out,
and one mission of the board is to provide a place to discuss virtually anything. So if you come over and like the place, but its missing
a space to suit your interest, let us know, and we will see what we can do about adding a forum. Also, committed participants may recieve
if they ask for it forum/blogs, or, their own personal forum.
This is the welcome page at the board, I hope you will visit and enjoy!! ... =103&t=949
Hello and welcome to mytalktoday/solutions.
This board is here to to serve as the organizing forum in a collaborative
open source project which will use a wiki.
The project is large and has many components and is in some ways thus hard to define.
There are 26 Issue Sub Forums and about a dozen and a half Science Sub forums. Out mission is to do these things in this order.
1. Research the Issue or Science.
2. Make lists of primary axioms.
3. Compile relevant information.
4. Sort that information into specific primary axioms and support for
those axioms.
5. Write on line what will in effect equal a textbook per each of those forums.
6. Having done this, create an open source library, information, social organization, and action center to promote those ideas and those solutions to real world problems.
7. Create the database which would be installed on board a generation
sleeper ship. All of the most pertinent, most relevant, and most important information, everything required to ensure civilization and human life.
Given that these are our missions, clearly this board is very different from most boards on the net in terms of how it works and what we are looking for in terms of participation. We are not sticks in the mud however by any means, and have provided a sort of sandwhich of forums which are serious and highly focused embedded between forums which are relaxed and informal.
It is our hope that we have created a space for virtually any kind of topic. Our process is to continually provide an information service
specific to solving problems which are normally addressed only in politics.
In this, the question is, "What information do YOU need?"
We are an information service, and we strive to provide information
which is cogent, useful, relevant, and which actually offers real world solutions to real world problems.
We have a forum specifically to help people understand how better to participate, which is our "Orientation, Guidelines"
Forum, as well as
three more forums for deeper information right after that in terms of
A; understanding Cause and effect.
(Cause and effect Forum)
B. Understanding Logic, cogency, truth value, and relevance.
(Logic Forum)
C. Understanding diplomacy and collaborative process.
(positive dialogue Forum)
I hope that we are of service to you and that you decide to stay and
help us be of service to humanity as a whole.
Thanks for everything,
The Staff...
Ambassador Londo Mollari: But this - this, this, this is like being nibbled to death by... what are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet... go 'quack'...
Ambassador Vir Cotto: Cats.
Ambassador Londo Mollari: Cats. Being nibbled to death by cats.
Marcus Cole: That's a lot of ships! That's a bloody awful lot of ships!
Delenn: We are star stuff. We are the universe made manifest trying to figure itself out.
Byron: But where is it written that all our dreams must be small ones?"
i am an aspie.
Aspergers syndrome. "Discovered" or "posited" or "studied" by "Hans Asperger".
It is a rare condition, occuring in less than 10 percent of the population, probably less than 2 percent,
but nobody knows for sure how many Aspies there are because At the high functioning end, An Aspie with a good
set of Coping mechanisms can fool everybody but themselves.
In the formal ideation of Modern Psychology, Aspergers Syndrome is considered in essence a minor
form of Autism. While this may even be true causaully, its not the right way to explain Aspergers Syndrome to anybody,
because Aspergers Syndrome is a VERY DIFFERENT thing than Autism.
But lets start where they do. The Autistic. Imagine a human computer. Installed with some minor glitches.
This one reverses the normative function of the immediate frontal lobes, and instead of discarding the subconscious
mind in favor of having five senses, discards five senses in favor of having a basement universe to play inside of.
The autistic lives inside of a dream of their own perpetuity, Not discriminating between "external" and "internal"
forms of reality. They favor a sort of waking somnambulism.
Which is hardly something a systems theorist can blame them for.
The normal brain, being wired for the five senses, has somehow to convince the frontal lobes that its immersed in
them. Were it not for this illusion, created by the brain of being a sense orientated creature, The 99 percent of
the communication that goes on in the brain about stuff happening in thoughts, ideations, or internal body maintenance
would as a whole brain conversation overwhelm and thundersilence the comparatively tiny streams of data which
are the sensory process.
The subconscious is subliminal because if it weren't, there would be too much noise in your head to think over.
Moving on to the scitzophrenic. Which brodman brain areas might be having too loud a chat with each with each other
An Aspie, like an autistic or a scitzophrenic, has a relationship with the internal world which the normal brain
does not, but, Which the Autistic or Scitzophrenic could never imagine either.
The Aspie simply has more access to by will forms of altered states of consciousness, OR is simply hanging out in
altered states of consciousness, OR, is having a useful cogent loud conversation between ordinarilly subliminal
brodmanns brain areas. A scitzophrenic is having generally miscommunication which disturbs and frightens them.
An Autistic is so enamored of the mind that he never leaves it. An Aspie, like an autistic knows of an inner world
and tends to live there. But the aspie, unlike the autistic, or the Scitzophrenic does know the difference between
the inner and outer world, and not getting the two even as confused as most normal people do, with their projections
and their shadow issues and their bears and their inner lions and tigers and demons, (OH MY!).
Aspergers Syndrome exists itself as one band on a larger spectrum, a spectrum defined by psychological relationship
to inner and outer reality.
The autistic person can't leave inner reality behind until they are taught to.
The Aspie on the other hand is rendered a visiting Alien.
Farther away than most peoples furthest Science Fiction Star,
And yet Closer than the Total human Bellcurve
Aspies are the real Aliens; From another universe, but hanging out here because the body seems handy.
(And, sometimes inescapable.)
The true proportions of this in the psychology sense are larger than the normal mind can imagine.
But consider this. The human brain is still in theory the most powerful computer ever designed or built.
To equal its computational power would require still building something costing billions if not trillions of dollars.
The software it runs is uncracked, and we can't program computers to do many tasks humans do without even thinking
about it. The occipital lobes which suspend the normal mind in its day dreams and its dreams both, while at the same
time juggling the process of the actual visual information, sends a report to the frontal lobes which then tells
the frontal lobes what is "seen."
Everything you have ever seen, by the time it reaches "You", is but a neurally carried signal. The sophistication
of this neural computer like network is so great that you are immersed in it and think that its you.
People get the idea that they ARE their experiences; What comes from having five senses.
But thats not what we really are. What we really are, all of us, is a fractal holomorphic equation, iterated
in tandem of a mass variation subroutine. That fractal equation is the whole of the universe, which our consciousness
is merely one speck of. Consciousness; a mere property of all mass and energy and information, focalized into the ability
to interact non ghostlike with physicality by virtue of inhabiting animal bodies.
The animal bodies focus and enhance and carry that signal, but they are not the origin of it, they are just one
more chemical and atomic fractalization set, at the macrochemical scale. The same fractal equations built all
of quantum mechanics, all of Atomic Mechanics, All of Chemistry and All of Biochemistry, the planets, the stars,
the galaxies, just successive iterations of the same fractal inside of itself at many different scales.
That "Inner" world, and that "outer world" are two examples of that scalar level. Further studying the mind one
learns that beta brainwave conditions lock a person to awareness of the five senses and a waking mind. Alpha conditions
are the consciousness of the brain as self unit; And desolve the brains mental compartmentalization. Dreams are
the activity the occipital lobes provides to cover the after hours staff meeting of the brodmanns brain areas.
Signals from the subconscious mind, making past the filter provided to keep the beta level brain thinking its
the whole thing. Theta brainwaves are actually the brain invested in a different external reality; That of the
neurologic body. And Delta brainwaves are the brains resting state; Where most of the brain turns "off".
"Crazy" Is in most cases an inapropriate phase state interaction, Where one persons Brainwave states are connecting
them to a reality which is socially incongruent. "Sane" however, is just one location in the matrix of possible
"crazy" locations, which just happens to be the locations agreed upon via mostly pack psychology process.
And Aspies on the low end get to be the victims of the peculiar problem of this; That civilizations assumptions
of its own neutrality are just as insane as any paranoid delusional psychotic. Yet, Society operates by having
a majority agree to a version of reality. Its just a version. Its not reality.
In the many voices of the demon pundits, "Everybody is entitled to an opinion."
This is rash nonsense. An opinion is an unwarranted idea fomented for political purposes by some body
using propaganda. It is devoid of sense, disconnected from reason or knowledge, and does nothing whatsoever towards
resolving any given problem. All opinions are equally useless. The only thing of value is an educated decision
based on a total understanding of a situation, its parameters, its assorted causes and effects, the natural laws
inovled, and so forth.
When one opens their mind, they begin to see across the gap. With study, An Aspie can begin to understand human
culture not as a participant, but as a scientist, as a reverse lab rat joke, where god shrinks the lab techie
and puts him in with the rats in the rat maze. On the other side, Humans who study psychology and who live with
an aspie in the family might get to understand their Aspie, at least from the theoretical side.
But that one gap is in some ways a fractal echo of all gaps. The Gap between the conscious and unconscious mind,
a stone wall for most minds and a road for aspies, We find there inside the echoes of the fractal equation,
and the more we unravel, the closer we come to self knowledge. And true self knowledge is the wings that crosses
all gaps, for there is in truth only one self to know. We are all sleeping fractal microbits, tricked by human bodies
into thinking of self as local to those bodies. But self is as infinite as space and time, and is bound only
by sufficient phase quantity to scale laws as to how present or awake it is in any given space or time.
And Time is only one place ever, and that is "Now."
All pasts are recorded by all quantae's spins and properties, and chaos, entropy, and order take place as tiny
additions and subtractions from all things everywhere. The string of Nows are thus just another illision created
by being biochemical. Time is orbits around a sun or orbits around an atomic nucleus, locative potential phase
states meandering around wave forms exploring their most probable positions in their positional matrixes.
An Aspie or A Human inherits a labyrinth. For a human, Those doors are all closed and that country within
unknown. For an Aspie, Those doors are all open and that country within is home.
Which choice is Saner?
Unlike an Autisic or a Scitzophrenic, I do not have a problem, Nor in truth any disability. Because my psychological
condition is not simply distal from the norm, it is launched foreward and ahead on the bellcurve.
Aspies were called by Hans Asperger "Little Professors." Driven by an internal light to focus the mind on some
few subjects, Aspies as Children had made themselves allready as knowledgable in some feild of knowledge as most
adults ever become. They had allready pushed themselves to specialization, and done the reading required to
understand some one thing (or two things, or three things....) Better than most adult Humans Understand their own
Unable to form normal Human relationships, or to understand basic human rituals, socially clueless, seemingly lost,
frequently mislabeled ret*d, bullied and picked on by their peers....Born "Eccentric."
Most human professors only become Eccentric after becoming so knowledgable that this knowledge sperates them
from the general population. Aspies go the other way. They are seperate from society and so they study some peice
of it until they know it better than almost anybody.
I am an Aspie. Aspergers Syndrome is a spectrum unto itself between high functioing Aspies ands Low Functioning
Aspies. My brain does not always run so smoothly as a humans does.
Sometimes it is a lot more like this desktop i am typing on. Sometimes it glitches and won't do what i want.
But one thing i can tell you is; I know myself on the inside better than humans do.
And this has slowly payed me dividends over the years.
My initial problems as a child could have been simply understood, and thus society might have had an even
better Aspie to solve its assorted problems. But Alas, no, One of societies problems is that it victimizes
Aspies, (And anybody whos different, wether its racial, sexist, or merely cognicentric.)
As An Aspie, My Interests were Psychology, World Religions, World History, Sociology, Civil Engineering,
Space Exploration, Political Science, And Education.
So unlike most aspies, my feild of expertise isn't a phone book, or the sound properties of assorted metal
objects, or Tiling Iterations and styles.
My interests derived from a single simple question;
"How do I Help These silly humans See their Nonsensical Game?"
You know ? THAT Game?
The secret supersecret unsecret Game;
Gaffe matrix taboo mind tricks
and social metaprogram bricks
The lines and their meanings and all of those toy soldiers and sides,
a million propaganda warriors and their assorted lies
Pack psychology and brutism and modern technology with
still yet barbaric ethics and morality
Over the years, the Answer has become that i can't focus on the negative;
So i have to instead show that there are problems and offer up solutions.
This then requires of me to learn more about the probelms and solutions
than any mere mortal.
But I am uniquely qualified as an objective alien, sitting outside of the human
psychodynamic circus. To analyze and to filter, to find the most meaningful problem
definitions and the best most useful and most productive solutions.
I am better at this in fact than any government, any think tank, any presidential platform,
any party platform, or any human institution.
Compared to me, NASA is barbaric. I Could show us how to colonize this solar system in the next 50 years.
Compared to me, The department of Defense is an evil anachronistic childs game. I could show us how
to build a military that could stand against an invading alien Civilization, and give us the civil and social
engineering to ensure that we would never again have need to use a military against humans.
I could show us how to create an eductional system which would deliver to each high school graduate an education
equal to what is now 3 Doctorates.
I could show us how to turn the earth back into a green Garden of Eden,
rather than allowing market forces to render her a barren cross between Mars and Venus.
The question has now been for almost 20 years, not wether or not i had the answers, but wether or not
anybody would listen, and wether or not i would be given sufficient chance to stand and deliver.
I am an aspie. I do not want fame. I do not want Public Office. I do not want any relationships with the papparazzi.
I do not want to be crucified, By the Far Right, or the Far left.
What I do want is to lead an open source information resource, available to the public, drawing public support,
Which serves humanity to solve in theory as an open source think tank, the highest order and toughest problems
which confront Humanity.
It is possible through me, and by investing in this effort as a participant, To arrive at a future sociology
and a future society, Not via the course of mere evolutionary process, but by lucid and enlightened design,
by choice and by right action, through a labor of love, we may together climb slowly foreward in possible futures,
Into better quality ones with more and more problems truly resolved, and less and less for anybody to bicker or
complain about.
I allready live in two worlds. One World is as large as the collective unconscious. It is as big as Tiferet,
and as vast as the far corners that might be found using ones merkabah Car. I have visited up the tree of life
and I have seen the places mere mortals never know till after Death. I have seen the simulations in my minds
eye of whole civilizations and space faring explorations, And swam in the collective unconscious of the Metaverses
memories. I have been here; a million times. Poised on the edge of civilization at the cliff of Certain doom,
or a new set of Human Choices. One voice, crying out in the wilderness, one voice, crying out in song. One
knife, cutting the fabric of the paradigm, prometheus, returning from the center of tiferet with the fire of the Gods.
These two worlds, my inner world and the factual outer local planet earth;
The collective unconsciousness of tiferet, and the physically substative Malkut;
I juggle these two world;
And my task is to bring one to meet the other.
To open a portal through which, if we all work, we can pull out, we can fertilize, we can birth
A new direction for our civilization towards a true modernity.
What I want is an open source arists collective;
Together imagining and visualizing and thus starting the potential for creating
A new world and other worlds; Geothermal power, Cable Cars, Arcologies, Permaculture Gardens,
Starships, Robots, Nanotechnology, A functional modern Educational System, A functional modern
Legal System, A functional Modern Human Civilization.
I cannot as one person do everything. I can provide only the blueprints and the foreward facing inferences.
I will need the help of the entire population. Each person changes the world and transforms it by choosing personal evolution
for themselves. I am an Aspie. In a very real poetic sense, I am from 2000 years into your future. But you may
choose via me to manifest a new timeline, and to bring about a future which sprints through 2000 years
of social and civil evolution.
WE can together accomplish in our lifetimes what would not have otherwise been accomplished by humanity in 2000
WE can even (I hope) stretch to consider the possibilities for FTL travel, And to consider exploration and Colonization
of our entire Galaxy.
The universe can be our oyster. But before we go "OUT THERE"
we have to resolve and solve and plan and think "IN HERE".
It can happen via random chaos over 2000 years,
or, it can happen via enlightenment and lucid intention in less than 50.
The choice is up to humanity collectively;
I am about to put my end on the table, to stand and deliver.
That is what this year should be about.
Artists Collective
1. There are many different ways to derive energy.
2. Each of these methods has different relationships with the environment
3. Each of these methods has different costs and different benefits
4. Each of the these methods has different pros and cons.
5. A partial list of methods; oil, coal, shale, wood, gas, Biofuels (a. food crop, b. hemp crop c. algae) Solar, Thermal Solar, Wind, Tidal, Geothermal, Hydrogen, Hydrolic, Zero Point, Nuclear.
6. Oils relationships with the environment are
a. oil is ancient organic material that has undergone geological processes.
b. oil is removed from the ground via oil wells. Ie oil is mined from the Earth.
c. oil is burned in order to get heat and chemical reaction to create the energy.
d. burning it creates smoke. the smoke is toxic. it is multiply toxic to the ecosystem in multiple ways.
e. its causing global warming
f. it causes cancer
g. it causes acid rain
h. thus it hurts humans personally and the whole ecosystem as whole in these different ways.
7. oil costs a certain amount of money to obtain from the earth, depending on how deep it is and at what pressure it is under.
8. oil costs a certain amount of money to refine and process, as well as to transport.
9. The pros of oil are that ;
a. it is accessible with very primitive levels of technology
b. our current energy infrastructure is based on oil
c. oil costs less than biofuels or, at least, it used to.
d. oils over all cost benefit analysis remains do-able from the perspective of economics alone.
10. The cons against oil are
a. oil is actually very expensive as technology compared to other forms of energy in which initial
costs render yields not limited by physical quantities. Solar power stations, Wind, and Geothermal all provide energy options which
are simply cheaper over the long term.
b. oil pollutes the ecology as mentioned in its environmental analysis above.
c. that pollution will cause the extinction of life on earth as we know it should it continue.
d. we have already reached a tipping point where we have raised the global temperature so high that the new larger contributor to
greenhouse gasses is the ice that is being melted.
e. thus we need solutions to reverse global warming, or, our civilization is doomed.
11. Coal. The specifics change, but Coal, like oil, is an ancient organic substance exposed to geological processes, mut be burned, and thus
contributes to pollution and global warming.
12. oil Shale and coal Shale. Similar to oil and coal or extensions of them, shale is harder to mine and harder to extract oil from.
thus it costs more to process.
13. Biofuels. The difference between biofuels and oil or coal is that biofuels have not been exposed to geological processes, but rather,
similarly effecting technological processes.
a.Biofuels still have toxic smoke which pollutes and which contributes to global warming
b. Biofuels trade energy shortage and economic stress for food shortage and economic stress, thus creating c +d
c. Biofuels create food shortages, hunger, and contribute to global poverty
d. Biofuels make food more expensive.
14. Solar Power
a. solar power is derived from the suns light and chemical processes.
b. Solar panels are a permanent fixture which will continue to derive energy whenever the sun shines.
c. Solar panels have real but comparatively very tiny environmental costs.
d. Solar panel technology is up to date and evolved, no more research is actually required.
e. assorted pundits and candidates and politicians and so forth like to tell us that they favor more research for solar power.
Thats a secret unsecret way of saying that they don't support employing it as a real world solution, because solar power has worked
and has been feasible and economically viable for over 20 years.
f. Solar power is derived at a specific rate depending on the size of the panel, the efficiency of the absorption of the sunlight, and the amount of
sunlight available.
g. Solar power does better at high altitudes because theres less atmospheric interference.
h. Solar Power has very low yields per physical system cost. In order to run a car on Solar energy, you have to panel the entire car,
and in order to run your house on solar energy, you would have to panel your entire rooftop and buy energy saving appliances.
i. Solar power is most attractive and useful in a whole energy strategy because it is uniquely mobile. Geothermal wells or Wind
power or tidal power (for obvious reasons) won't run a car directly.
j. Solar power could in theory be used to solve the energy crisis almost by itself, by paneling over a very large surface area. This surface area
has been calculated variously, with low estimates ranging in 10 by 10 miles, and high estimates ranging upto 200 by 200 miles.
h. The problem with this is that the cost/ benefit analysis shows us that this would be very expensive when compared to a holistic energy strategy.
i. Solar power has very low yields when compared to geothermal power.
15. Thermal Solar. Thermal Solar is a variation of Solar power with a much cheaper cost, a much lower per square foot yield, and operating at a much simpler technology level.
a. about 100 miles by 100 miles (median estimate) of Thermal solar paneling could in theory meet our energy needs.
b. Thermal Solar can be done in such a way that it has lower materials costs and lower materials environmental impact.
c. Thermal solar involves using light to heat a liquid which creates energy by pushing a turbine when the fluid expands.
16. Wind Energy.
a. Wind energy is derived from creating large turbines called wind mills.
b. Wind mills are generally very large affairs.
c. The larger a windmill is, the more energy it creates relative to its overall material cost.
d. This means that the cost/ benefit analysis shows that larger windmills are cheaper.
e. Windmills create medium yields of energy when they are operating.
f. One good large windmill can probably meet the energy needs for perhaps a dozen homes.
g. The USA could in theory meet all of its energy needs via wind power, if we invested heavily also in enormous
distribution network infrastructure.
h. The USA is rich in wind energy compared to most places on the earth.
i. the problem with windmills is downtime when theres no wind.
j. This is significantly less a problem than with solar downtime due to no sun.
k. Wind and Solar together as a team can capitalize on the two extremes of climate, and should thus be employed
alternately depending on the location one wishes to provide energy for.
l. for instance, Solar power is better in New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas, And sunny places.
J. And yet Wind power is better in places like New Jersey, Oregon,...places alongside the Canada Border.
k. The other problem with wind power is that it can create quite an eye sore to look at.
l. Wind power also can be very devastating to local bird populations.
m. Wind and Solar might be good tandem partners for cities like Denver, where theres lots of wind and lots of sun,
but not usually at the same time except for when it is.
This allows such a system to generate power in the sunny months with solar and in the winter months with wind.
17. Tidal Power
a. Tidal power is derived much like wind power is, from the movement of water instead of air.
b. Tidal power is slightly higher in potential yields because water is denser.
c. Tidal power would have to be done more or less on remote beaches , probably in large fenced
areas to protect the systems from animals and animals and humans from the systems.
d. Tidal power is obviously only viable on the coastlines of oceans or very large bodies of water such as lakes.
e. Tidal power could in theory meet all of our energy needs.
f. the cost/ benefit analysis for tidal power is a bit murky because its a mostly unexplored technology.
g. however, proof of concept units do exist and the technology is very simple.
h. tidal power has problems due to the corrosive nature of salt water and erosion.
i. Tidal power is unpopular because it ruins one beach per facility.
j. Most accessible tidal power exists in the energy of waves.
k. Cost/ benefit analysis shows that tidal power can be done out at sea, but it becomes increasingly more expensive the further out
you go to get the power back to land.
l. Tidal power is probably a good solution for arctic regions which don't get much sun, and whose wind conditions might on some occasions be too intense,
pulling windmills down.
m. Along with Solar power and Wind power, tidal power provides a third leg of medium level yield energy for low materials cost in situations where
geothermal power would be too expensive.
18. Geothermal Power
a. Geothermal power is energy derived from the heat of the earth.
b. that heat is on average several miles beneath the surface.
c. However, there is a lot of variance in how deep that heat is, and every state has regions where that heat is within a few hundred meters of the surface.
d. Geothermal power like wind power becomes cheaper per materials cost the larger the plant is.
e. Geothermal power has very high potential yields, and is in fact competitive with nuclear power in terms of sheer yield.
f. Geothermal power plants could in theory be built with higher energy yields than nuclear power plants. However, this is not advised or advisable, due to
potential tectonic stresses such high energy plants could create.
g. in the range around 100th or even 1 tenth the yield energy of a nuclear power station, geothermal power stations could be built which would have
virtually no impact on tectonic stresses.
h. Tectonic stress is an important variable. Frequently geothermal power is most accessible along fault lines. However, these should be ignored for
caldera like situations where the system is not contributing or in danger due to tectonic stresses.
i. There are many different ways of configuring a geothermal power station, and only one which this author supports. This is called double circuit closed system geothermal power.
j. double circuit simply means that the water drops on one circuit and the steam comes up on the other.
k. closed circuit means that no water is ever lost in the system, because even the heating element chamber is a well engineered container
L. Geothermal power can in theory meet all of our energy needs
M. of the resources available to us, it does this with the cheapest over all cost, the smallest possible ecological footprint, and the highest level of
N. Geothermal power is not a good solution in situations where a small amount of power is needed for small communities or remote estates. It has a high material cost and start up cost to drill the well.
O. Geothermal power is theoretically available almost everywhere on the surface of the earth.
P. current oil wells now go as deep as 7, 8, 9 miles deep.
Q. Enough Geothermal power is accessible within 200 meters depth to meet all of our energy needs.
R. where larger power sources are wanted in places where that heat is deeper, it is still true that geothermal heat in most places is not
deeper than 4 miles.
S. In some rare situations where the crust is thick, geothermal power might be as deep as 20 miles.
Don't drill there, import the energy from 150 miles away somewhere.
19. Hydrogen power;
a. Hydrogen power is an up and coming technology which we can expect to see having good strong applications 20 or 30 years from now.
b. Hydrogen power is very promising, but currently, its still mostly a way to store energy, not create it.
c. The two main exceptions to this are using corrosive rare earth metals to get reactions, and using phased electrical energy to short out the binding force.
d. The problem with the former is that the rare earth metal is itself a form of fuel, and that creating it, and "burning" it with water both create toxic
substances as side effects.
e. the problem with the latter is containment of the field and what happens when organic matter is exposed to high energy bursts of electricity.
f. To the knowledge of this author, water based solutions which continue to use a combustion engine are frauds.
g. When Hydrogen becomes a used technology, it will probably be for very large equipment and uses, such as trains, planes, and large boats
20. Hydrolic or Hydro Electric power.
a. This energy is created by damming a river and using falling water to drive a turbine.
b. this is incredibly damaging to the ecology.
c. Yields are fairly high per materials cost, but, still, hydro electric materials costs are comparable to geothermal power, which doesn't destroy an entire
ecosystem per power plant.
d. Hydro electric power does not exist in anywhere near sufficient quantities to meet all of our energy needs.
e. This author finds hydro-electric power to be a bad idea all the way around, not even as useful as nuclear power.
21. Nuclear power
a. Nuclear power (currently) is derived from using rare earth metals in reactions which turn some fraction of those fuels directly into energy.
b. The radioactive fuels must be mined, and this results currently in the deaths (and serious health problems) of many Miners.
c. Nuclear power currently creates hyper toxic and radio active wastes, which cost money to tend and babysit, and which in an accident
of ignorance 10 thousand years from now could wipe out an entire continents worth of our descendants.
d. Nuclear power is in many senses still a futuristic technology with much promise and much potential.
e. Thus nuclear power should be studied and refined in the laboratory.
f. The focus of such studies should be in finding ways to use non radioactive fuels,
finding ways to create dissipating forms of radiation only, and finding ways to eliminate the problem of wastes.
g. Nuclear power is very high yield, but it has exorbitant costs, especially over the long term.
h. Compared to Geothermal power, nuclear power is extremely expensive, gets more expensive instead of less expensive over time, is extremely
dangerous, and perhaps most importantly, sooner or later we will run out of nuclear fuels, and still be forced to move on to geothermal power.
i. Nuclear power will be most useful for purposes of exploring our solar system and our galaxy.
j. There is no good reason to use nuclear power for domestic use considering the other much better alternatives.
22. Zero point energy
a. Zero point energy is derived from quantum phase state fluctuations where energy is created in contradiction to the "laws" of conservation of mass and
b. Zero point energy is a futuristic technology which may become realistic within the next 100 years.
c. Final stage proof of concept zero point energy research should be conducted at least as distant from the earth as the oort cloud, due to the unforseeable
nature of potential dangers.
d. In theory, zero point energy could create a self sustaining quantum phase reaction which could create nearly unlimited energy in spaces literally too small to be seen by the naked eye.
e. Early stage research into zero point energy is the entire field of quantum mechanics, specifically Singularities, branes, and quantum holographics.
23. Summary of findings.
a. Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Tidal, and Hydrogen Technologies together provide a clear and easy path towards green and sustainable energy.
b. Geothermal energy specifically is the solution which a realistic green energy infrastructure should be rooted in.
c. It is reasonable to project a total holistic solution in which 80 percent of our energy comes from geothermal, 10 percent from Solar, 5 percent from
Wind, and 5 percent from Tidal.
d. It is also worth mentioning that electric cars are a current and viable technology.
e. This is all of it simply a sumary of known and provable science fact. The only reason why most people don't know all of this is that oil companies
and rich evil jerks have spent billions of dollars to flood the public with propaganda and misinformation.
f. The other strategy of the evil empire jerks is to promote energy resources such as biofuels or nuclear power which create a situation of extreme expense so that they can continue to exploit our need for energy in order to make money. A Geothermally based energy infrastructure would provide
extremely cheap energy (especially over the long term) and this would be the death of the energy industry.
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New Tectonic Source of Geothermal Energy?
volcan42.jpg Geochemists from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Arizona State University have discovered a new tool for identifying potential geothermal energy resources. The discovery came from comparing helium isotopes in samples gathered from wells, springs, and vents across the northern Basin and Range of western North America. High helium ratios are common in volcanic regions. When the investigators found high ratios in places far from volcanism, they knew that hot fluids must be permeating Earth's inner layers by other means. The samples collected on the surface gave the researchers a window into the structure of the rocks far below, with no need to drill.
"A good geothermal energy source has three basic requirements: a high thermal gradient—which means accessible hot rock—plus a rechargeable reservoir fluid, usually water, and finally, deep permeable pathways for the fluid to circulate through the hot rock," says Mack Kennedy. "We believe we have found a way to map and quantify zones of permeability deep in the lower crust that result not from volcanic activity but from tectonic activity, the movement of pieces of the Earth's crust."
Geothermal is considered by many to be the best renewable energy source besides solar. Accessible geothermal energy in the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, is estimated at 90 quadrillion kilowatt-hours, 3,000 times more than the country's total annual energy consumption. Determining helium ratios from surface measurements is a practical way to locate promising sources.
Julia Whitty is Mother Jones' environmental correspondent. You can read from her new book, The Fragile Edge, and other writings, here.
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