Thank you for my welcomes
pakled wrote:
I have a 2-year-old granddaughter, who isn't talking much yet (verbal, but sounds like she's on a really good drunk..

I didn't know they could diagnose that early.
Welcome to the club.
My girl is the third of my kids and I knew there was something 'not quite right' from about 18 months old. I waited and waited for any signs of communication but it never came. She never and still doesnt point, nod, wave or shack her head. She never looked at us...more interested in staring at the ceiling for hours on end.
She doesnt understand language and has no joint attention.
Here in the UK they only tend to diagnose Autism before 3 if it's very obvious or severe. It was very obvious for my daughter.
A diagnosis was a 'passport' to the resources aswell as being able to
begin to try and understand her.
She is beautiful and there is more to her that meets the eye...i mean i feel she knows more than she lets on