I've been browsing around these forums for the past few days, and I've had the urge to add input into the discussions I've seen here, so I've decided to sign up. I have Aspergers, diagnosed (I don't like the word disorder, I view it as a different way the mind chooses to work as a result of natural mutations, which we all come from) officially from a young age (I'm 18 years old now).
When I was growing up my interests started at dinosaurs (not just for the looks of them like normal kids , well partly, but it was the science involved), I have had other interests such as oceanography. But around the age of 13-14 I became obsessed with Lucid Dreaming, which is basically dreaming well being aware of it, nothing super natural about it, you get control over the dreams and sometimes they can be life like, I've had hundreds of experiences through the course of my life, my current goal is to see if I can improve my visualization ability to a point were I can hallucinate on demand and create my own dream world with complete control (I've been told by a few people it is possible in the early morning, and I've done it without moving).
Yes I'm strange, I'm in the top 5 of my class, I don't talk much at all in real life, never had much of a desire to have lots of friends in real life, just a couple, and usually they are the ones initiating all the conversation, usually all small talk, which I am bored to death with. This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't desperately in love with this one girl for the past 5 years, and in need of the social skills to make it work.
I'm sorry for posting so much, I would go on, but then no one would read it .