I'm not sure if I have Asperger's, I've never been diagnosed, my wife says definitely and my friend says "Oh I could definitely see it." I identify with a lot of aspie traits and I've always liked talking to aspies more than most NTs.
I've had two WISC tests when I was young and all they said was I was smart but I had a "learning disability" but never say what that means. I do know that I'm dyslexic and disgraphic and maybe discalculate
I have my special interests. I have trouble forming theory of mind in others by looking at them although I can do it with spoken information. I've recently figured out that I have meltdowns, although I never become non-verbal.
I'm a bit disappointed that I don't have crazy math powers although I do love playing with numbers. Whats really weird is that if I take psudoephidrin and I try to sleep I dream in numbers and equations. I'm also better at chess when I take it. (I don't know if anyone else has ever noticed anything like that)
I do some programming and I've been told that what I have done is hard even by other IT professionals but I recognize I'm sloppy with a lot of the things I write. I usually just try to get it to work.
I'm not all left brain (or is that right brain, it's hard to tell, I'm dyslexic) I do a lot of drawing and I've been working on my writing.
My son is more likely to have asperger's (or more strongly has I guess?) and we are seeing if we can get him diagnosed. My wife says that I should get diagnosed but I hate being tested or interviewed, it feels like a violation of myself. I know it will put the "am I?" question to rest.
So that's a blurb on why I'm here. I'm trying to figure out more about myself and what Asperger's means for me and my son. Maybe I can help someone else along the way.