Klytus wrote:
Hello, toonaspie. Welcome to WP.
With a name like toonaspie I'm guessing you might be from Newcastle-upon-Tyne?
That's the first thing I thought when I saw the name as well but is actually from Indiana according to the location text.
is there a fairly okay public transport system in the area?
If so,do not see not being able to drive or not having a car as a problem because many people don't.
The Amish,for example,don't own them.
There are other alternatives to cars like bikes:- motor or non motor,mountain/manual type bikes; the latter being a healthier alternative plus they are easier to get through traffic but the bad point about them is cyclists are often treated nastily by impatient drivers.
Motorbikes would be better because they could go further,
If not very financially well to start with,having a car would be adding to the problem because of car cost,insurance costs,MOTs exetera.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!