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11 Dec 2005, 11:37 pm

When I first read upon the description of Aspergers, I realized how well I fit. I took a few online quizes and came out with being Aspie.

Then I read up on NVLD, and I realized that I fit that very well. (When I was 4 or 5 or 3 I had a bad fall from the top of a walk-in toy house and handed on my head, so the concussion could definitely have caused NVLD in me.) So then I started to doubt, especially because I thought NVLD was not on the autistic spectrum.

However, after a month or so I realized that I definitely have many Aspie symptoms. I rock back and forth in my chair on on my bed (or sometimes I even manage to do it whle standing) when I feel worried or anxious or stressed out. I'm really good at this - I just do it unconsciously withouht really thinking about it. I stim a lot as well(this included overlap fingernaps, rub and/or twirl hair, shake arm, bounce knee, lots and lots of pacing, and anything else I've forgotten to mention here).

Also I have been having flashbacks. When I read a post of someone else's experience I will remember, "oh yeah that time I did the exact same thing" or "I felt the exact same way" or "that happened to me too!" which in the end really convinced me. For example, someone posted on being misunderstood (meaning to say one thing and having it come out and understood as something else, or answering a question and then realizing that it has been totally misunderstood) and I had several flashbacks to the same thing happening to me, from a little kid to the semi-recent past (say a few months ago or so).

Only a few of these things would not make me all that confidence that I have AS. But I fit so many. Symptoms that people with only NVLD would not suffer from I believe. So now I'm very much reasonably confident that I do have AS, and changed my status from "not sure" to "undiagnosed".

I have also read that some people consider NVLD and AS to be two sides of the same coin (the same thing but NVLD understood as a neurological problem and AS as a developmental/psychological one) in which case NVLD is definitely part of the autistic spectrum. Makes one wonder. Especially since this contradicts the "symptoms that people with onyl NVLD would not suffer from" part.

Anyways, I'm an Aspie and proud of it!! !

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Dec 2005, 4:05 pm

Hmm well it only took me a few weeks to convince myself, I mean I was basically diagnosed with it, but I didn't yet beleive. Looking at all the symptoms, yes i fit quite well. Recently I've been looking at my stim.. Yes, I do stim quite often.. usually with pencils in school, tapping them or like moving them up and down with my fingers in the air so not to disturb others. I usually have a hard time controlling my legs too... they tap like crazy... The only time I rock is at home, when I'm anxious or something... or for no apparent reason.. I do a thing with my nose constantly and I was made fun of for it in the past. (It's like a rub of sorts) I'll also catch myself moving my head around when I really can't sleep.. Ha, I thought I didn't really have stim... Apparently I wasn't looking very close at all.

I also have flashbacks on things that happened quite a long time ago and I'm asked about how I could remember such a small detail... I think about it and I don't really know how I remembered it... I just did.. 8O

Anyway, congrats on finally settling on it.