Control sample...well, sort of, but not really, as ADD probably correlates with these factors too, as do other common diagnoses like depression.
1. yes
2. No. #3 cancels it out.
3. HELL yes.
4. yes...but I still don't see the point in, e.g., going out and getting a boyfriend when there are other ways to seek happiness that do not involve other people.
5. HELL yes. But at least sometimes I get inspired to want to change this and use the self-awareness for good.
6. No.
7. No. #3 blocks this.
8. Not yet, but often worry (#3) that it will happen.
9. No.
10. No. #3 blocks this.
So, 4 out of 10.
Right planet, wrong country: possibly PLI as a child, Dxed ADD as a teen, naturalized citizen of neurotypicality as an adult