First of all, I'm not sure that I have Asperger's syndrome but I know a few things, that I'm always forgotten about and left out of things and that I know everything about certain topics, or try to, anyway. I'm from Boston, but I don't act like the typical person from Boston, as part of my family is from down South. Someday, I would definately like to relocate there. I like being by myself but I know that I want to find a soulmate too (because I'm sooo sick of having the reputation as the loner!) I'm female, 22 years old, going to a university and a double major. Adults think I'm cute but guys think I look twelve. As a result, I'm never taken seriously anywhere and I envy those who have it so easy, like they go out partying, have grown-up jobs, and have someone who loves them and thinks they are beautiful! I write and draw a lot on the side, love Suduko, magazines, newspapers, crime stories, subways, the history of Boston, interested in rural life, and want to be successful when I get out of college in every way.