Hi all,
Ever since reading Born on a Blue Day, I increasingly realize that all my abnormal traits may actually not have been my fault. Such a relief! Today I decided to do some reading on the topic (Wikipedia), and took the tests. Conclusion: at least a significant part of me is Aspie (and I am very curious to see how my sister would score).
For me, my being different has come to be more and more of a blessing. Even though contact with others is still mostly stressful, to my surprise others appear to find those moments of contact helpful, worthwhile and special.
Probably my conclusion at this point should be: it is time to stop trying to be normal and start doing what I am really good at. Personally, I feel that my being different is closely related to what I am good at.
Now I am quite curious for the experiences and insights you may have as to how you are different, and how this benefits you. I hope some of you are willing to spend some time sharing them.