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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Jan 2010, 1:05 am

Hi, my name is Susan, I just found this site and hope that through reading posts and blogs I can gain more understanding of Aspergers and living with it. My eldest daughter (14) and my husband both have it, I have two other children who are finding it very hard to cope with their AS sister. There is a possibility of me adopting my sister's two youngest children in the future (she is fighting cancer) and both children have Aspergers. I need help to be a more understanding mum and wife and am trying to find all the positives of AS and a way to communicate better with both my daughter and husband. We homeschool all three of our children and they (and myself) are all on gluten-free, dairy-free diets. We are originally from the UK, but have lived in New Zealand for 3 years. Thanks for reading :)


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04 Jan 2010, 1:12 am

Welcome to WP!

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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04 Jan 2010, 2:56 am

Does the gluten and dairy free thing have something to do with aspergers? I really like cheese, but if it helps to not eat it, then maybe I'll cut back on it.

Tell your husband he can come here and talk to us.


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04 Jan 2010, 3:11 am

Food allergies seem to be independent of Autism/Aspergers, however they do seem to occur together sometimes. Personally I have allergies to gluten/dairy/nuts/soy and yeast. I have learned that there is still plenty of good food to eat even with such wide restrictions. I sometimes feel envious as I watch someone scoff a jam dough-nut though, but I get over it quickly enough. :)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Jan 2010, 3:12 am


Thanks for your reply, dairy affects my other two children physically but affects my Aspergers daughter behaviourally - it was really life changing for us to get her gluten and dairy free and we saw huge improvements in her moods and behaviours. I've since read that gluten-dairy free diets are often recommended for people on the AS spectrum. There are a lot of extended family members affected in my family and all have seen big improvements on a gluten/dairy free diet, so I would definitely say I was an advocate :)

My husband is very resistant to any 'labels' and would never look for help so you are not likely to see him on this site but all things are possible, lol...thanks for the offer.


Sea Gull
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04 Jan 2010, 4:39 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet!


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04 Jan 2010, 11:09 am

Hello Susan, welcome!

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

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04 Jan 2010, 3:45 pm

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04 Jan 2010, 3:52 pm

Welcome. I recommend reading Feeling Good by Dr. Burns

Good luck.!


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08 Jan 2010, 1:37 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

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