I posted very much about myself already on the forums but I thought I would post some more, after all most of what I have already posted was about my symptoms of asperger's. So these are some of my hobbies, interests, talents, and abilities:
Nunchaku, (otherwise known as nunchucks, despite being an aspie I have excellent hand-eye coordination even better than most of my neurotypical friends which I owe to video games. Before that I could barely lift a pencil or pen correctly.)
Making movies, (I usually make movies on Youtube but they banned my old account for disobeying copyright etcetera.)
Running fast, (I used to walk in an odd way and my step-dad made that apparent whenever he could, but now I can run faster than all my friends which is good because I don't like confrontation and fighting.)
I can spell very well and have great creative writing skills and story telling, (I make fan fictions from time to time, I might post a few on WP sometime)
I have a great knack for languages and I am learning Japanese, I also know a little Spanish. (I learn differently from other people so when taking a Japanese class didn't work I tried Rosetta Stone and when that didn't work I got My Japanese Coach for the DS and I'm learning it quickly now.)
I'm very comical and love making people laugh, (Whether it be by using my awkwardness or by doing impersonations of people, I'm good with changing my voice.)
I am a self-taught nutritionist, (While I am self-taught in almost everything I do I take pride in this because I used to be obese but did my own research and lost thirty-five pounds.)
Everything else is all asperger's.
Oh I almost forgot, I wanted to post an old video I did. Now keep in mind it was before I knew what asperger's was and I was just embracing the strangeness and sense of being alone I felt. Looking back on it I might have overembraced...
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mery ... -crazy_fun
I have changed quite a lot from when that video was made, I have short hair now, I lost the facial hair, and I'm thinner. I don't have any current photos of me but I have a few not too old ones on myspace, go to my profile here on WP to find the link.
sethzack wrote:
Whoops, I forgot a very important part. The origin of my username, I have always had identity problems and when I was a little kid I would tell people my name was Zack. (I thought it sounded cooler than Seth) Anyway, I started going to chatrooms and I always made my name sethzack, (guess I wasn't very creative) and I stuck with it ever since.
I'm an aspie and wouldn't have it any other way.
- My own words.
I have an addiction to my affliction. - My own words
I Want To Become Stronger...
... Than I Was Yesterday!! !! - The words in my avatar picture.
Last edited by sethzack on 01 Jan 2009, 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.