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05 Jan 2006, 8:44 am

hi e1. i'm a 41 y/o mom of 4. 3 are sp.ed kids ( various dx's- as well as my own ).i'm just learning about asp cause psychologists have suggested that i have this as well as one or two of my children. Funny how that when trying to help my children, i learn about myself ( and my father ). My Whole life i've been idfferent from others. & teased for it -- always hated that. anyone else here hear the comments like: i should trade ya in for a newer model?- said as a joke. Or always was chosen last for everything in school? Chased to/from school ? being the one to be more comfortable in a corner somewhere instead of with others at a party ( or around more than one/two ppl) cause feeling like dont belong Anywhere? Or being told to slow down cause i'm thinking too fast? This is what my likfe has been like. I was dx "hyper" as a kid - adhd ocd (poss asp) as an adult. along with some other things- not related to genes. As my kids growing up it hurts to see them havin prob with their peers too. 2 of them are Brilliant in the arts, just not so good in math and comprehension= They think they are dumb not matter how much i say to the contrary.
i apologize for such a long post- seems to be another prob of mine- tryin to explain as much as i can in short sentences dont work for me. Anyway just kinda wondered if the above sounds familiar to anyone else? Just tired of being "different" and didnt know where else to look for answers. Luv

Snowy Owl
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05 Jan 2006, 8:49 am


I'm kinda new too, but welcome from me anyway! A lot of what you wrote I think most of us here can relate too. Pretty much all of it actually, except I've never really been 'hyper', at least not that I remember.

Nice to meet you.

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05 Jan 2006, 9:09 am

ty for your welcome. I odnt know whether to say say i'm sorry, or that i'm glad i'm not the only one. lol

Snowy Owl
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05 Jan 2006, 9:21 am

Ehh! Don't be sorry.

I see it like this; There are advantages to AS, so it's difficult for me to feel sorry about myself, or anyone else with AS - unless I or they really want to be less socially awkward, but being so isn't the end of the world. And even though I'm not a super-intelligent rocket-scientist, I am intelligent in different ways. Hard to explain.

I'm just different. :P

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05 Jan 2006, 10:59 am

ty. it helps knowing it's ok. and i agree with you as well.


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05 Jan 2006, 11:03 am

Hi Luv and welcome to WP. Nice to meet you!

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky:


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05 Jan 2006, 12:16 pm

Hi, Luv. :D Welcome to WP.

I was hyper for about my first 6 years and then by school I calmed down. Ah well. I miss that overflowing energy...

My Science blog, Science Over a Cuppa -

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05 Jan 2006, 5:28 pm

Hi! Welcome to Wrongplanet! I hope you enjoy posting here!

Jason Larsen
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06 Jan 2006, 7:40 am

howdy luv

welcome aboard the train to aspergerville


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06 Jan 2006, 8:55 am

'ello Luv (in British accent, couldn't resist)

I'm 39 and only found out about AS because my son (7) was diagnosed ADHD and Dyspraxic.
Suddenly the penny dropped and my messed up life and childhood began to make sense.

I can relate to the being chased thing. I got beat up at home (stupid adopted family), beat up at school and chased there and back by the same kids. It's thanks to them that I learned to hide, to read, learn and think for myself. I grew up with no respect for any kind of authority, education system or family model, untill my son was born that is. Now I'm trying to spare him the horrors of my own upbringing and he's coming along just fine.

Welcome to WP


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06 Jan 2006, 6:17 pm

Hola, Luv. I'm glad you're here!


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10 Jan 2006, 12:47 am

Bland-HI! Im new here too and not diagnosed and dont really know what I am and dont know if it really matters because it wont change me at all. I wish I were hyper instead of lethargic! (It would help me to keep up with my husband and six kids!) Im sorry to hear of so many being bullied. I wasnt bullied but tended to blend into the woodwork. Oh, and dont forget the looks of disdain from the "in crowd"! That doesnt compare to being bullied, though.

Well, Luv, looks like we have some things in common. I have a husband and one son with ADHD, one girl with ADD, one son AS, and two teens(one boy, one girl) who are gifted. This is tough because they all require so much and Im only one person!! ! Hope I make it to the finish line with all of my marbles!