'ello Luv (in British accent, couldn't resist)
I'm 39 and only found out about AS because my son (7) was diagnosed ADHD and Dyspraxic.
Suddenly the penny dropped and my messed up life and childhood began to make sense.
I can relate to the being chased thing. I got beat up at home (stupid adopted family), beat up at school and chased there and back by the same kids. It's thanks to them that I learned to hide, to read, learn and think for myself. I grew up with no respect for any kind of authority, education system or family model, untill my son was born that is. Now I'm trying to spare him the horrors of my own upbringing and he's coming along just fine.
Welcome to WP
Truth is our sword, lies are our shield.
Our enemy is the shadow we cast ourselves.
Harmony between opposites.