misswoofalot wrote:
Thanks guys
I love Naruto, and am facinated by Japan, (And love kawaiiness cmastler ) and obviously love anime/manga ...( I have collected cuddly TonTon ( lady Tsunade's assistant Shizune's pet pig) and pervy sage (Jairiaya) although there is something really amusing about Tobi; a baddy in the Akatsuki because he talks in the third person ...he says things like
"Tobie's a good boy"lol ( although you may not have seen him yet depending on which episode you're up to)
I can only watch Shippuuden on the internet subbed and I buy the manga from a specialist shop in London as it's not out in Uk yet.
Will watch death note as have heard it's good!! !
I also love cute dogs...hence the nick. I have a jack russell called 'Jane Russell'
So hope we can become friends too cmastler!! !!
And others!!
Your welcome.
And...Yep. *nod's* I think we could DEFENETLY get along.
And dogs are awesome. (I own one too anyways XD)
Death Note's a really intrestng little anime, you should check it out...and do they have any shippodon eps on youtube?
If soo...maybe i'll check them out sometime. lol
And, don't worry everyone...I don't have anything agenst you if you happon to NOT like cute things that much...I just don't like it when people tell others it's wrong to like them, just cause they bother them. Just thought i'd point that out...lol
~the REAL end of post