Postperson wrote:
I'm not a parent but English is the more difficult language, Spanish is regarded as an 'easy' language to pick up. I can see why an autistic might prefer to stick to Spanish, it's much simpler and there's less misunderstanding, it's mainly voice/facial expression. With English there are almost too many choices of words, too many 'irregular' expressions, too easy to be misinterpreted. I always had a fascination with languages, because I realised it was where all my problems lay, so perhaps he will pick up English at a later stage, like transfer the concepts across.
His psychologist seems to think that since his problem was with language rather than any particular language he would be able to improve in both together, learning from each, but it will certainly be harder for him than for autistic Spanish kids. But yes, I find Spanish much easier than English - I learned it as an adult so it can't be too hard! I'm just hoping he won't be overwhelmed - I know of a boy in England who just seemed to give up language completely in the same circumstances because the distance between him and his peers was just too great.
Thanks for the advice - do you speak many languages? Sometimes I find it a lot easier to communicate in my second language - my oddness is forgiven because I'm a foreigner