reuven wrote:
My personality was destroyed by prolonged stress in a job situation over the period of a few years about ten years ago, and I have felt separated from characteristics I attribute to myself as I have with some success rebuilt a way of being-in-the-world.
Hi reuven I can so relate and understand the impact of prolonged stress from being so wrongly judged and misunderstood for many years, I never lost my personality because until I discovered Aspergers and my many neurological differences I never knew self.
As I make sense on my own journey, repairing past damage and wrong I am gaining confidence to live the life I always should have, but unfortunately with so much more awareness and understanding needed in this world, I can not help but wonder will we ever be truly embraced, acceptance and allowed just to be. I guess it has to start with all of us from very young to learn about difference and diversity, but the aspie /aunty community have been like a wonderful extended family that I never had and truly understand, so welcome.
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