You're right, Rabbit.
I prefer to see AS as being "differently able" from everyone else. In some cases that label is patronising, but in the case of AS it makes more sense than "disabled".
It's like I see everything at a different angle from others. Sometimes it makes it harder, sometimes it makes it easier. In your field you are the best at what you did. If you allow yourself to think what you think about having no victories, you allow others to get the better of you. OK, others may not fully appreciate things at the time, but if you are proved right, say so.
I'm in a field which is more flexible and I can always find someone on my wavelength who can really tune in to what I'm saying. If I've learned anything from the last year it's (a) to trust your instincts on the things that you know best (b) that not even your closest family have the right to try and impose their own vision of you on you - only you have the right to do that. Once I find the key to unlock the door of the prison called home, I will be fine - it's just that I have to put up with a load of patronising people who think they know more about what I know because they read the TV and listen to newspapers (or is it the other way round?!). Even when those papers either have their own agenda at what they're saying or will be saying something else in six months. I've done a lot of research that doesn't involve reading anything, just talking and listening and going from house to house, and I spent the weekend with someone who hasn't got a TV and they grasped the situation better than my mother who is constantly exposed to one set of opinions and thinks she knows what's going on.
That way I can feel quietly confident that I know more about what I know and more about how to put it into practise. It's demoralising at times, but sooner or later I'll be able to say out loud and clear - I told you so. I only hope I don't do it too triumphantly, but hey, I'm proved right more than I'm proved wrong, even in the strangest of circumstances.
Hang on in there.
I am the cat who walks by herself, and all places are alike to me --- (after) Rudyard Kipling
People don't want a date with destiny, they just want a date with a dentist. --- Michael Howard