First: I want to say HI to everybody, something I missed to say first, weird!
Second: THANKS everybody who took time to reply in this topic, I appreciate it!
Third: It was a bit tricky to reply here with all the quotings but Im in it with positive manner
TheMidnightJudge wrote:
As for friendship, you can message me on aim if you like. My SN is in my profile.
Thanks for your good thinking thoughts!
Tsinsboldly wrote:
lots of people here lost in the crowd, just keep posting, after a while you will start to notice subjects and posters in those subjects that attract your notice. Then you will be just another regular unique person in a world of Aspies and Auties!
I live in a big city and feel safe with it as if I screw up somewhere, then lost in the crowd is the first I would want to be
Although I hope it dont turn out like that here at Wrong Planet! After all I feel comfortable with beeing here together with 500 other people
I have been to other forums where only five persons is active and they fast discovered how weird I am
LordKristov wrote:
And you can find a subject on, well.....anything
Yeah I like that idea, even if we are all aspies (more or less) we do need to talk about other stuff as well, not only things around our personalities
pandd wrote:
Welcome to Wrong Planet
Thanks! and also special thanks to you who inspired me to take the step to make this topic. Now I feel in better confidence to walk further and join other topics!
JetLag wrote:
Hello, and welcome to the Wrong Planet neighborhood, xalepax
Thanks! I have seen you around welcomming all newbies and hoped you would notice me too, I feel honoured
Kenjuudo wrote:
I have a massive social phobia too.Relax. They can't eat you
Good to know Im not the only one with that detail in my condition. Good point
Thanks for your creative reply, I like it. I had read your intro post and will reply further there
By the way its named ASPergers with an P, not an B
KaliMa wrote:
Welcome to Wrong Planet, both xalepax and Kenjuudo!
Thank you! on my behalf
Silvervarg wrote:
You might not get noticed everytime and as much as you would like
nah, I dont mind and would survive it. Its just in the beginning Im a bit uncertain but Im sure I get accross it if I just hang around a while, I have honestly nothing to loose on it
Silvervarg wrote:
Best of luck to you.
Thanks Silverwolf, I will carry it with me when now throwing myself out in this forum jungle!