Hello, I am new-ish here. This is obviously not my first post. Lol.
I am a senior in High School and will be graduating this May. (YAY!) It has taken me 5 years to get through High School, due to family issues, my own anger issues, and my deep deep obsession with Yu-Gi-Oh! from the sixth grade until 10th grade. I am by no means, stupid, even though it has taken me longer than average to get through High School. In the most recent months, I have jumped from Algebra I to Pre-Calculus in just 5 weeks. Since then, I have found Pre-Calculus to be not only boring but useless, so I have begun to self-teach myself Calculus. At the current time I am doing Advanced Placement Calculus work instead of my Pre-Calc work. LOL.
After High School, due to financial issues, I will be attending the local community college to obtain my associates in Mathematics. After, I obtain my associates degree; I plan on attending a University to pursue my advanced degrees. I plan on doing a Triple major (Yes, you read it right, a triple major). These majors are: Physics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
My dream job is to become a Physicist. I find Physics absolutely amazing and it is currently my deepest, most consuming, obsession.
I came to Wrong Planet after researching heavily into Asperger’s and found that it fit me to the last letter, which I now understand, has happened to a lot of people on this site.
I was born in 1990 (16 weeks premature, 1 LB 12 OZ) and by the age of 6, Asperger’s had just started to get diagnosed in the United States, and it was virtually unheard of, so I never got officially diagnosed. Back onto the current subject on how it actually came to my attention.
The court system took me away from my mother for about 6 months and placed me with her sister, my Aunt. During those times, my Aunt worried about me because of my deep deep obsession with Yu-Gi-Oh! among other things. So, she started researching on the Internet and came across Asperger’s Syndrome and said it fit me, so she called up my Grandma and told her about it. Mind you, this was about 3 or so years ago and I just found about AS in June of ’08 ><
My Grandma, over time, saw how I acted and heard some more stuff about AS and concluded that I had it. She gave me ‘Look Me in the Eyes’ by John Elder Robinson for my 18th birthday, which actually lead to my school counselor admitting to me that she thought I had Asperger’s. XD
See, I was reading the book and she came out of her office and saw me reading it and asked ‘Are you reading it out of your own leisure or are you seeking a diagnosis?’ I was quite stunned and replied, nervously, ‘Seeking a diagnosis.’ She nodded her head and said ‘I agree’. She then told me that when she first met me, she knew I was on the spectrum somewhere, due to a number of factors, of which I will type two of them to get the point across: I had a monotone voice, and I would talk and talk about my current obsessions and I would never pick up on those cues about when she was bored with me talking.
Since then, I have become more aware of my childhood behaviors that are typically signs of a child having Asperger’s Syndrome.
I plan on getting a Psychological evaluation this summer because I start college next semester and I want to get things in order, you know?
If you want to talk to me more or get to know more about me, just send me a PM.
I hope I haven’t bored you with my long post about my past, I just figured it’d be nice for people here to get to me know me.