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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Mar 2009, 8:26 pm

Hello everyone,

I have known what it means to be Aspie my entire life, but I was only first introduced to the subject a week ago.

To anyone who thinks a week hasn't be enough time for me to understand it or not does not know what Aspies are capable of ;)

I will get an official diagnosis in time and I also plan on taking a professional IQ test.

In my opinion, the austim spectrum is not a linear spectrum. That is, it isn't setup like the left side of the spectrum is less functioning than those toward their right. There is a distinction between what is function and what is functioning with respect to society. My best guess is the spectrum is rather a Sphere like lots of other geometry in nature :) My point being, I do not think I am any more or any less value able than other Aspies or anyone else by reporting my IQ scores. IQ tests are far from perfect, but they are too useful of a tool for it to be ignored.

That being said, I consider myself a high function Aspie because My IQ is in the area near twice the minimum IQ for HFA by definition (IQ > 70.) On more credible online tests I am usually found in the 95th percentile despite the fact that I consistently score poor on pattern recognition. These tests always require knowledge learned in school that someone in a special class might not have been exposed to.

I live independently and I graduate from an University this May. I attribute my above average Emotional Intelligence for an Aspire to my understanding of psychology. I appear to function normal at times, but it is only because I am processing my audiences body language logically instead of naturally. Depending on the environment I become "drained" from all the logic and I require extended periods of time of solitude to recharge. My parents ridiculed me day after day for being "lazy" after the biggest drain an Aspie could probably ever experience (high school.) This doesn't mean that I had any problem or dysfunction in high school, but it sure did drain me. I also have steadily held down jobs while attending classes full time.

I feel my specific condition could possibly bring many things to light in lesser functioning conditions.

My beliefs in Science & Religion coexists in peace and I believe science is TRUTH.

I do not respect social norms that have been created upon false logic.

I use alternative medicine to help me cope with various symptoms of AS and it brings me to great joy to spread truth in a world of lies even if I have to wrestle a few feathers! There is so much confusion about AS with respect to Nature versus Nurture and Correlation versus Causation that needs to be clarified. This can only be done through education, science, truth.


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24 Mar 2009, 9:15 pm

Welcome greetings, dusekbr, to the Wrong Planet neighborhood.

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24 Mar 2009, 9:16 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet, dusekbr!

"I yam what I yam." - Popeye the Sailor

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Mar 2009, 11:20 pm

[quote="dusekbr"] Depending on the environment I become "drained" from all the logic and I require extended periods of time of solitude to recharge. My parents ridiculed me day after day for being "lazy" after the biggest drain an Aspie could probably ever experience (high school.) This doesn't mean that I had any problem or dysfunction in high school, but it sure did drain me. I also have steadily held down jobs while attending classes full time.

My parents, especially my dad told me I was too lazy all the time also. They really had no idea how I felt, but still to this day I take quite a while to recoup after work, social get togethers, etc.

I'm fairly new here but all the same, welcome to WP! I find this site a wonderful resource and the people are great. Quite a mix.

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25 Mar 2009, 3:34 am

sounds like you have your head together.
I am also an asperger in the 98-99 percentile range.
I was introduced to this site by a fellow asperger.
However my home is still
I was diagnosed years ago but have not bothered to seek any others.

The one goal I carry is to help as many people as possible. People often ask me if I can talk. Many believe that I am a mute. Others regard me as genius.


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25 Mar 2009, 10:45 am

Meh, I'm a fellow aspie, not asperger. @_@

"I've seen golems. They don't behave like a real person."

-Year of the Griffin by Diana Wynne Jones


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25 Mar 2009, 11:04 am

Welcome its good to have you here.

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25 Mar 2009, 5:08 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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26 Mar 2009, 4:09 am

Hello and welcome to Wrong Planet.

I can be dumber than a bag of bricks at times.

Confusing because I had a couple of IQ tests taken and one I had a 144 (~1991) and another a 162 (~1980). All that and I still have trouble putting sentences together using the correct grammar. I ge confused always when I come across a new word because it is almost impossible for me to sound out the letters in a word in the process of pronouncing that word. I have to hear someone else say the word a few times and then repeat what they say a few times so I can relate the sound with the 'picture' of the word... as if I remember some words as letters making a picture and relating a sound to that picture. Sounds crazy but it is something I need to do in order to mimic reading.

Since I was in a car accident when I was 17 and had amnesia... i lost some ability in my short term memory. It is hard for me to remember phone numbers unless I can remember the pattern and order of how the numbers go on the phone piece when you dial the numbers. Once I do it enough times and it gets in that long term memory or something like that, I will remember the number for a decade or two.

Diagnosed as an Autistic with ADHD at ~ 4 1/2 back in ~1975

I have developed other coping mechanisms as well. I studied and trained myself in psychology, sociology, animal behavior and the such and used thiese things to 'read' body language which seems like 90% of NT's and 10% of ASD's use on a more or less regular basis.

I know of a lot of emotional stuff but still do not know it myself... It is like this...
Most people can say they know of God, but do they know God?

I know of -- these types of behaviors and such, but as of myself, I am kind of like on the back side of the learning curve still...

I wonder if having ASD is like those leftys in a right handed world?