I have a job that has health benefits. I paid a 20$ copay to a psychologist and after three visits (tests, interview, observation) I walked out with my DX.
I tried telling other doctors my personal thoughts on the subject before any work was done, and I can tell you that is a bad idea. They would refuse to see me, or try to talk me out of it, or laugh. Finally I just made an appointment for a DX, that is all, not a specific DX just wanted an 'assessment' and I happened to get a forensic psychologist that did evaluations for the State. He didn't mess about, he set out the various tests, and I finished them up and he would go on to the next and after a while we were done. The interview was interspersed between the tests and they were boring, and painful. I found I had other comorbids that were troubling, but frankly, I don't think I can comprehend what they are at this time. More mysteries to discover, I suppose.
I got a DX so I can have intermittent Leave of Absence at my job. If it gets too much to bear, I can tell my manager and take off for the afternoon, etc. If I have paid time off accrued, I get paid for the hours, if I don't, I don't. But it is a job saver and that is why I got it.
good luck with yours.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon