Hi. My name is Joanna. I'm 17 years old and I live in Florida with my mother, my sister and my german shepherd dog. A few months ago, I had to go to a pediatrician to get shots and a check-up for school. I went to the pediatrician with my mother and the doctor said everything was fine with me but I should consider seeing a psychologist. I didn't act strangely or anything. I was just being myself. I'm not sure how he was able to tell that something was wrong with me.
Then my mother and I went to the Psychologist and he diagnosed me with Social Anxiety Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, and Obsessive Compulssive Disorder. He told me that I seemed to have a lot of anxiety too.
So I read a little bit about Asperger's on the internet and most of it sounded exactly like me. One day I went on Wikipedia and saw a link to Wrong Planet there. I clicked on it, looked around and decided that I liked this website and wanted to make an account.
I made one and so far everyone seems to be pretty nice and friendly to me and each other.
So far I like Wrong Planet a lot.
I don’t really feel like I fit in socially. I’ve always had trouble talking to people and making friends. At my school I’m the loner who sits by herself and doesn’t talk to anybody. I don’t really have a social life either. Most people my age a least have some sort of interaction with others but I really don’t have much.
When I go to college, I plan on majoring in either nursing, biology, or chemistry. I am very interested in the medical field and hopefully someday I can become some sort of doctor or nurse.
My hobbies are listening to music, animals, fantasy, dragons, surfing the internet, and playing tennis.