How is everyone? What is this community like?
Let me introduce myself now. I have been diagnosed with a minor case of Asperger's syndrome. I'm not one to believe in "disorders" or "syndromes" or those sorts of things -- since everyone's different as it is -- but I discovered that many of the symptoms describe my personality, so it seems as if there's a part of Asperger's in my system.
I'm extremely artistic, right-brained, logical, and literal person. I'm mainly Libertarian, but slightly Republican, and I'm a hardcore capitalist for life. I have never met anyone like me who lives around me -- not even my boyfriend (we're practically married!), really. He understands me but he's very selfless and very caring, which is pretty much the opposite of me. I would say that I agree with a lot of whatever Ayn Rand preaches, but I haven't read anything of hers so I can't tell for sure. I basically just act nice to get by. Anybody else do that here?
I saw a post on here regarding someone driving his kids to school and taking away their DSs just because they were being what his version of "too loud" is. That is, he has heightened senses or something? I forget, but I could totally relate to that sort of situation in the way that I used to completely throw fits over the slightest sounds that nobody else cared about. Of course, I've learned to control my behavior by now, but I never thought my hearing (and aggravation) had to do with autism or Asperger's? Or is this just a coincidence?
I am so curious about exploring this syndrome, since the more I research, the more it applies to me, but I don't know what to ask! Can anybody give me any helpful links? Advice? Do people with Asperger's really call themselves "Aspies?"