sjamaan wrote:
It's kinda liberating to finally know what it is that made you feel so different all this time, don't you agree?
I'm 26 years old. That's a long time going with a "strange feeling" but not knowing what it is.
That alone, knowing what it is, is worth something, in my opinion.
Well, yes, it is liberating on many levels. Wonderful to know that I'm not the only person who wrestles with the issues I've been made to feel like a loser for all my life - and I'd never heard of AS or HFA until 45, Dx'd @ 49. It's a tremendous relief to understand that things that had always seemed like personal defects are actually an atypical brain function that's not confined to me alone.
On the other hand, as it's sunk in, there's been a strange realization that a lot of attitudes and behaviors that I always thought were eclectic personal choices, are really just indicators to those around me that there is something visibly 'wrong with that guy.' Of course, at my age I accepted long ago that I wasn't going to change, but it was one thing to believe that was my own proud choice - something else to realize that I couldn't change if I wanted to.