So, I don't have aspergers or anything like that (I'm "neurotypical" I guess you'd say), but I want to hang out here anyway. Kind of odd, I know, so let me explain.
I don't have aspergers, but I do have a lot of the traits and problems of aspergers, such as social awkwardness, problems with eye contact, that kind of thing. I originally looked into AS because my half-sister has it (I think- doctors aren't sure exactly how to classify her), and I was somewhat surprised because a lot of the descriptions of the condition (is that what it's called?) were quite similar to how I percieve myself. I was psychologically assessed many times as a child with no unusual results, so I'm sure I don't actually have AS..... I just think I'm quite similar, personality-wise, to people who do. If that makes sense.
To illustrate this, I knew a guy with AS in secondary school. My mother, who's a psychiatric nurse, said she knew he had it the first time she laid eyes on him (this was before he knew himself). One of my other friends has stated that he found him odd and felt uncomfortable around him, but I never noticed anything out of the ordinary- in fact I felt quite drawn to him, because he reminded me a lot of myself- someone quiet and introspective, who isn't interested in all the useless social crap most people bother with. That's the sort of person I always hope to meet and almost never do. Unfortunately he graduated school a lot earlier than me and we haven't seen each other since.
I've always felt I never had anyone to talk to about some of the problems I face. Well, you guys seem to go through a lot of the same thing. So maybe I'll feel at home here, if you don't mind the intrusion.