Hello there!
I'm new in this forum, so it would be the best to introduce myself. My nick is Herbal (converted from my first 3 letters of my real name), I live in Hungary, am 18 and a half years old and Asperger syndrome was diagnosed by me when I was 4 years old. Fortunately (or maybe not?) I'm possibly in the 15-20%, which ones could "grow out" from this disease, and I can live a full life, although some parts remained in me...
Actually I didn't know much from my problem, only at age 16 did I realize that I'm "not the same as the others", that's because my parents tried to handle me as a non-autistic. I think despite my autism I'm a good communicator, I have lots of "web-friends" across the world, and even in the real life do I have some (not much, but still).
I hope I may visit this forum often. The truth is that I've found this forum only today, but as much I've read this looks indeed like a nice place!
Ps: my English knowledge isn't my best, excuse me if you don't understand anything