...even online, where body language (usually awkward and "wrong," in my case) and "tone of voice" (sardonic but terrified, hipster, but from another universe entirely) do not cause immediate Introduction Interruption. I have not been diagnosed, but I'm reasonably sure I have some form of Asperger's syndrome. I encountered a blog posting on Shakesville by a woman @ my age called "Meowser" which resonated powerfully; nerve-wracked but fascinated, I subsequently took a couple of quizzes that were offered on line and, according to the results, I am very likely an Aspie. This could explain so much, if true - the fact that life (not just socialization, but "ambition," and "organization," and, well, "learning to drive a car") has always been ridiculously difficult for me, despite my putatively high IQ; the fact that I feel safest and most in control while alone, even though I long for compansionship; the fact that all of my intimate relationships have failed - and that I was usually sure that my consorts were non-NT in some way (this before I knew the term NT, before I really knew much about Asperger's at all, and well before I considered that I might be anywhere on the spectrum.) I am interested in discussing all aspects of the condition - especially with women in their forties and fifties, but certainly not limited to them in any way - I'll be happy to talk to anyone. I'm also interested in talking to people who do not accept the "dominant paradigm" on Asperger's and who think Hans Apserger himself might be wrong. Glad this forum exists.