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06 Jan 2006, 10:49 pm

I am just wondering what some of storys some of yous mite of drempt up when you were kids.

When I was about 7 I always used to think about having a teleportation deviced hidded some where in a underground tunnel that only I knew how to get to it. And to get into the tunnel I had to arange my lego in a certain way to act as the key. I used to dream I could use the teleportatiion device to teleport to a ship orbiting earth and that I could go around the earth and even the univerese doing what ever I wanted with my superior alien technology that was on my space ship. Any way thats a really really shortened versions of one of the things I used to think about when I was younger. I did know they were fantasys but they were still interesting to me. I am interested to see some of the stuff other people mite of day dreamed about too.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Jan 2006, 11:28 pm

I have many similar to this one. The one that really stands out in my mind was the one that I was convinced that I could get to this secret world. I said that the top to those Kool Aid Burst things was really a secret key and somehow I was meant to keep the secret. And the door that this key worked to was in my closet. I would sit in there looking for the hidden keyhole. I really think I started to believe it too lol. I'm an only child, so I needed things to keep me occupied. But that one was a lot of fun.

Another one was that I pretended to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland...that one was fun. I would dress up in an apron and a dress, set my WHOLE house up like Wonderland...I even drew doors on the walls, like the doors Alice tried to get through :lol:

It was fun though ^_^


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07 Jan 2006, 2:07 am

From age 2 to 12 i had nightmares every night. Recurring nightmares, and episodic nightmares. FYI, i had a lovely childhood, and i love my parents a lot. By the time the nightmares ended(i stopped remembering my dreams) i had gotten so used to the recurring nightmares that they werent even really nightmares. They were reruns of crappy horror flicks.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.


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08 Jan 2006, 3:57 am

One out of some of the things I used to think of when I was little was being stuck in a capsule (while in the jungle) and I was trying to figure out how to get out, and how I got there and other kinds of stuff. I also had an imaginary friend named Mouri, who lived outside with his village; he also had some other friends, and a horse that he just brought with him wherever he happened to go. There were also other people, but they were the main ones that I imagined. I had that imaginary friend until I was 12 years old; it's still fun to think of him once in every great while though, even if I have some friends that actually exist outside my mind. I still like to imagine about adventures and stuff when I'm in a creative mood, or when I'm extremely bored; I don't like spending too much time in my mind, or else I might become crazy or something, or someone may think that I'm crazy and I don't want that kind of stress at school. I don't want more of that kind of school stress; people spread rumors about me as it is, although I never really listen to that part of school and there are only a handful of them that I ever heard. Most people know the truth about me though, at least my friends do.

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.


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08 Jan 2006, 4:05 am

When I was a Child many Years Ago I thought that this World was a Dream and truly was not Real. Though today I know it is Real it was so Real that it was not Real to Me as Child.

Come on My children lets All get Along Okay.


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10 Jan 2006, 4:47 pm

As a history and former future and comic book freak I had an awful lot. But not in the sense that I switched up realities or something, they were just a bunch of fantasy stories which rarely involved yours truly.


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10 Jan 2006, 7:35 pm

Oh, man, I lived more in my imaginary worlds than the real world, by a large margin, probably until I was 13 or older. Even now I'm thinking about my writing a lot, but it's not the majority of my life any more and it's not a desperate escape mechanism anymore.

kevv729 wrote:
When I was a Child many Years Ago I thought that this World was a Dream and truly was not Real. Though today I know it is Real it was so Real that it was not Real to Me as Child.

I thought the world might be like the Matrix WAAAAY before the matrix came out! ((I was ahead of the times.))

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11 Jan 2006, 12:27 pm

I use to fantasise about being in levels in computer games. Tomb Raider was my biggest obsession


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11 Jan 2006, 9:13 pm

I sometimes thought that I could live on a Imaginary World (Planet) have created many Imaginary Worlds in My mind.

Come on My children lets All get Along Okay.


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11 Jan 2006, 9:19 pm

I used to think there were voices telling me to do bad stuff... then i realised, that was just me thinking out loud :P

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Jan 2006, 10:56 pm

If I can remember correctly, my most vivid dreams usually involve a distorted version of the real world. Like the lanscape might be almost the same, but a few differences in furniture, household layout, etc changed to give the place a much more desireable atmosphere to it.

I seem to have a morbid fixation on heights. For example, there are chasms in the floor one must jump over, and those that fall into the chasm are plunged into something like the eternal pit of peril. I constantly leap over those for no real reason, I know I don't want to fall in, but I was compelled against my will to take the leap of stupidity back and forth.

Then there were dreams involving my ability in levitation, this seems to be my strongest fixation as staying on firm ground where all the other beings that wish harm upon me exist. I'll float up away from them and stay up there. Nightmares include me being trapped in a building where if I were to float to the ceiling, my antagonists still had the ability to bring me down to their level to unleash whatever sinster schemes they had in store for me.

Finally, I have dreams that involve a routine from my actual life, sometimes important decisions and events occur in these dreams that when I wake, I have to take some time out to sort out what is supposedly real and what was from the dream.

My favourite dream is the one where I'm sleeping, ahh bliss. n_n


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12 Jan 2006, 1:27 am

Serissa wrote:
Oh, man, I lived more in my imaginary worlds than the real world, by a large margin, probably until I was 13 or older. Even now I'm thinking about my writing a lot, but it's not the majority of my life any more and it's not a desperate escape mechanism anymore.

kevv729 wrote:
When I was a Child many Years Ago I thought that this World was a Dream and truly was not Real. Though today I know it is Real it was so Real that it was not Real to Me as Child.

I thought the world might be like the Matrix WAAAAY before the matrix came out! ((I was ahead of the times.))

When I saw the Matrix I thought it was cool because it was like one of my ideas was playing out on screen. I kinda think about trying to write a book one day about one of them. But I know im not up to the task at this current point in time.


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12 Jan 2006, 9:42 pm

my daughter , age 7, who we now think is probably aspie ( have to get up the nerve to take her for official diagnosis), has a very vivid imagination...she is constantly talking about her world which she has named after herself (i'll call it s-world) in s-world there are flying fairies, and they come down from the skies and help everyone...she also goes on and on and on about animals , oh and of course all of her imaginary friends.


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12 Jan 2006, 10:56 pm

I never imagened having friends when i was kid. In any way shape or form. When I thought of other people I thought about teaching them about science physics and pholsophy. To try and make them into real people because every one else around me when I was younger didn't seem to come up with any thoughts of any use so I didn't know that they had any thoughts and didn't think of them as any thing more important than a dogs with voices and power.