Hi there!
Well, I just did it.
I'm 23 years old. Right now I live in The Netherlands, but I'm from Colombia. I was studying industrial design (I love the logic behind objects! I <3 antropoligycal design) but right now I work at a clothes store to train myself socially, since it's a very stupid job but with a big social interaction. I love making cultural tourism aswell.
It's been a long journey for me to be here, yet I hope the destination to be as enriching as the journey.
I have what some people call "DAMP", in my case a triad ASS-DCD-ADHD, but only ADHD has been formally diagnosed. I'm on a queue for a formal ASS diagnose and yet already just by knowing it for myself has realeased me a lot of stress.
I have to admit that even though I feel mentally handicapted every day thanks to my messy brain, and even though I've have a miserable life thanks to this, I'm glad to be the person I am and to live in the world I live.
I wish you all good luck in your own personal journy.