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Blue Jay
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28 Apr 2009, 7:56 pm

What is your first name? ....SuperSecretSquirrel (see answer to location question below)

Age: 43


Classified :roll: (but it's damned cold and rather far south!)...really it's not classified, but because we are such a small group here and are forbidden by signed govt policy statements/ackowledgments from revealing where we are or who we are with, I'd prefer to keep "definite" location quiet for now in favor of "going off" on people/things here anonymously. Hope that makes sense.

Hobbies and Interests:

Hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, flying, travel, reading, films, photography

Why are you here?

Momentarily fed up with being in an extremely isolated place with few/none of the usual "escapes" from NTs (learned that term here) and/or general social'm in a place where it's even more exhausting than usual to get through the day and thought I'd try "reaching out" to folks like me. Never really felt compelled to do that before...hmmmm

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

I've never been officially diagnosed...though since childhood I knew that something about me "wasn't right" socially...and though I've cultivated adaptive behaviors/skills over the years and am actually now a licensed health care provider legally able to confer this same diagnosis on patients in documentable fashion, I can't/won't "allow" an official diagnosis of/for myself. I've mentioned, by virtually any standardized/allowable criteria I was/am a "poster child" for AS. Think what you like of my stance, but there it is...take it or leave it, makes no difference to me! :wink: (sorry to be defensive, but I've learned "the hard way," probably like a lot of folks on this board)

Favorite subjects:

School subjects?! no particular order...history, literature, geography, psychology/sociology


Favorite music:

Tool, Rush, Morcheba, Sade, Dengue Fever


What The Buddha Never Taught

TV shows/Movies:

Movies...too many to no particular order, here's a few...Apocalypse Now, Mulholland Drive, Fire Walk With Me, Lost Highway (pretty much any David Lynch stuff), Thin Red Line, New World, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost In Translation, Monty Python (anything)...lots more.

TV shows...hardly watch TV, but I do have some TV on DVD favorites: Red Dwarf, Yes (Prime) Minister, House of Cards series, Family Guy, Human Giant, Whitest Kids You Know, Simpsons (not so great anymore, though), Robot Chicken. Stuff that is actually on the air (ie not DVD)...Daily Show, Colbert Report, a lot of Discovery Channel stuff.


Well...I WISH I could play the fiddle. Does that count for anything?

Do you like sports?

I absolutely DETEST watching sports of any kind (I tell people that watching sports is like watching someone else eat--what's the point?)...but I love to play soccer.

Family: Married to same woman (twice, though, if you can believe that!) since 86, three kids, two in school and one in college


Don't understand the question. Also don't care what people think of what I wear.

How did you find this website?

Finding Asperger's info for someone here where I'm at.

Job: Health care provider

Plans for the future?

Sure...but none that seem specifically relevant to this forum. But...ask away if you like!

Any comments....same as "plans" above.

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28 Apr 2009, 8:01 pm


eternal sunshine of the spotless mind was awesome.

''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''


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28 Apr 2009, 9:32 pm


I can't stand sports either.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton

Blue Jay
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28 Apr 2009, 9:40 pm

Thanks for the welcome notes.

Eternal Sunshine is a work of existential art...and watching sports is for...for...I don't know what watching sports is supposed to be for.

One more thing...inreference to what I said above about preserving anonymity for the time being in favor of being able to "go off" on people/things, by use of the word "here" I am referring to my present location/workplace, NOT this board!

Thanks again for the welcome's....from what I've read so far here over the last few days of perusal, I'm generally going to be among friends for once in my life, and while I've certainly learned to "go it alone" and "soldier on," it may be nice to not have to do so 24/7, especially since I'm getting old and tired :wink:

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28 Apr 2009, 10:29 pm

Hi KarmicPyxis, welcome to WP, I am going to assume your at the south pole studying penguin's

Blue Jay
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28 Apr 2009, 10:44 pm

SilentBob15....well, I can neither confirm nor deny studying penguins and/or being at the South Pole, but I can "suggest" that if I were to spit high enough into the air on a sufficiently windy day, said-spittle could theoretically land within, um, spitting distance of such entities.

...and I love Red Dwarf, and the Quarantine/Mr Flibble episode is honestly my absolute favorite of all!

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29 Apr 2009, 2:47 am

Is it really cold there at the moment, because I'm in Tasmania and we've had a really cold spell the last few days and we always say it blows up from Antartica. Welcome to the site, make yourself comfortable.


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29 Apr 2009, 6:38 am


My first girlfriend went down to Antarctica as a medico after we parted ways!! !

Says a lot about my "special abilities" eh? :)


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29 Apr 2009, 10:33 am

It's nice to meet you, KarmicPyxis. Welcome to the Wrong Planet Community.

Stung by the splendor of a sudden thought. ~ Robert Browning

Blue Jay
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29 Apr 2009, 2:05 pm

It is "kinda cold" where I'm at...I say "kinda" because even when it's 50 or 60 degrees (F) below zero, it's really pretty much "Who cares?" But...when the wind is blowing 30 to 90 mph (which it has done for 3 or 4 days at a time at least 2x within the last 3 weeks), well, then you KNOW it's cold out. So...I have heard from a handful of people who ought to know that, Yes, Antarctic weather does "reach" relatively proximal places like Tasmania. But...I don't know for sure what the prevailing patterns are IE which weather "streams" end up where, so to speak.

Short answer...yeah, it's cold, but it's the wind that really makes it cold. I'm originally from the upper midwest of the US, though we relocated to Alaska several years ago. So, snow, cold, etc, by themselves don't really phase me.

I left home/family and headed for several months at "Guantanamo-South" (this is definitely where hardcore terror types should be dumped off) for several reasons, but all except two of them have turned out to be naive (a naive Aspy? no way!) or just plain misguided, to put it politely. One valid reason is/was career advancement for what I'd like to switch over to doing full time, the other is my family and I can use the extra money right now.

I think that from a social standpoint I would have been more "at home" in the busy summer season compared to winter, which, as it turns out, is pretty much set up to accommodate "only very slightly odd" NTs. Not what I had expected at all...then again....after years of learning how to get along in a non-Aspy world, I guess I did a satisfactory job on the psych screens to get here since I obviously didn't appear on any radar screens as "not a good idea for you to be down there."

I'm fine, really, but without the structures that I normally engage to get by, I know that I'm actually a bit more contrasty to the NTs than has been the case for years. I've got a small group of people who "don't mind" and/or with whom I "click," so it's not complete solitary confinement. Plus, there are a few, um, "characters" down here who really are pretty visibly "operating out there in the outer reaches" who take the heat off harmlessly aloof Aspy types like me.

Oh and learn! Thanks again for the welcome messages. It is SO nice to actually feel--especially from here!--"among friends."

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29 Apr 2009, 2:16 pm

Welcome to WP!


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29 Apr 2009, 2:19 pm

Hello and welcome to join in and talk with us!
I like the name of this topic. Very creative way of saying hello!
And congrats to me who read the WHOLE intro post of yours. I always get blocked when people write too much but thats because I have hard to focus when reading.
And yes I dont either understand the purpose in watching sports. Looking at some fools chasing a ball, what?! I understand its another thing to perform a sport yourself as you then are IN it


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29 Apr 2009, 3:30 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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29 Apr 2009, 3:55 pm

Old. Tired. Hi!