dirtyshirt wrote:
I believe my son is an Aspie, but there is some disagreement among his doctors.
It doesn't make a lot of difference to me if he is or isn't. I have told my wife many times that I have never met anyone who was so motivated to BE GOOD as my son... He's really quite incredible. He is in kindergarten and will turn off the television after just one program because "too much tv is bad for me." He eats his vegetables because "they are healthy."
Oh wow, what an good child. I remember hating vegetables and watching too much TV, because I didn't like socialising.
dirtyshirt wrote:
My wife and I have a question: she is Chinese and I am white (American). We have seen quite a few kids who appear to be Aspie's who have mixed Asian/White parents. Has anybody heard of a study or any data that supports this?
I think it is just a coincidence. Although my dad is south east asian and my mum white (Australian) and I have AS.
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