HardestPartOfLife wrote:
I'm calling myself HardestPartOfLife because I couldn't think of what to put for a name. I've been on forums before, usually using names of characters I came up with, but this is the first time I found out about WrongPlanet, I thought it might be a good place for me to come. I've had problems with other forums, usually getting on the wrong side of trolls and getting burned by flamers. I have Asperger's Syndrome, but people usually become surprised because I'm so high functioning. I used to be worse, but I'm still struggling. I'm trying to be self-sufficient, but I'm having a hard time at it since I've never held down a job (I'm almost 26) and have...other issues too. I don't know much about this forum, but I just hope it'll be good. I've had too much problems with other forums.
hello HPOL,
Here we deal with trolls and flamers, so if you have any problems with either, PM any of the moderators
http://www.wrongplanet.net/postp1684191.html#1684191 and
we work it out with them.
enjoy your community and welcome home!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon