I've been lurking for a while and just decided to make an account. I have never been diagnosed with Asperger's, but I have good reason to believe I may have it. When I was younger, school counselors and psychologists have tried to diagnose why I was always such an underachiever and "anti-social" but I used to hate and distrust these people so I purposely sabotaged the diagnosis by lying, playing mind-games and misleading them.
I don't believe I am anti-social as they have told me I was. I long for contact with others, but at the same time I prefer to be alone (I don't know how that works either). I have tried to socialise with others, but for one reason or another, I always end up either messing up or come across looking like an as*hole to everyone. I don't try to be. I've also tried making new friends without much success. Meeting new people is just far too awkward and I hate feeling like I'm being put on the spot.
What led me to find this site was my researching online about "social awkwardness" because of some things that have happened with me at work. I have also recently been looking to go to a psychologist to get a formal evaluation as to what I have. I am not looking for some "cure" but I am looking for a way to control when I want to be social and when I don't. I'm just tired of screwing up when I meet new people, especially when important things (such as work) depends on it (I am a computer technician).
Sorry for my rambling. If you want to know more, just ask. I'm pleased to meet all of you and you may call me Salem.