Hello, My name is Michelle. I just joined today. I have a son with Asperger's/Bipolar. Asperger's was confirmed about a year or so ago. my son is 13 years old so he is going through a difficult stage and with his disability, it amplifies his problematic age. He never brings home any friends, he rarely speaks of friends at school, usually he is the target of teasing and taunting by the other students. It can be quite heartbreaking for a mom, who wants so much for their child to have friends. He is very unmotivated, unorganized and can be aggressive at times. He also has an excellent vocabulary and is very smart. His interests are video games, youtube, Movies, and more video games. He repeats things he hears on TV and youtube, CONSTANTLY. It is very difficult to have an intelligible conversation with him, unless he is angry, then he becomes obsessed with making his point. I don't know anymore how to distinguish what traits are from the Asperger's and what traits are Bipolar. He is on 3 different kinds of medications which rarely work. He sleeps very little, eats quite a lot, and speaks in monotone. I'm not even sure if he has bipolar. If anyone can help me shed some light on anything please don't hesitate to let me know.