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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Sep 2008, 10:57 pm

Hi! I was banned from IRC about a week ago. Here's what happened: I got disconnected from IRC because my client was having problems. I was using the name Praetorius. When I restarted my client, I came back in as Praetorius1. One of the channel operators banned me, saying that I was evading a ban. Apparently, he thought that me putting a number after my name was a method that I was using to be unbanned. I messaged the moderator who banned me, but he would not respond despite my explanation of the issue!
So just tell me what information you need to unban me, because I'm sure I did nothing wrong!


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28 Sep 2008, 11:20 pm

what is it with the Irc, doesn't seem very member friendly

Blue Jay
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29 Sep 2008, 3:48 am


Taggard has caused us some major headaches, or we'd get to removing the ban, BUT:

You were not disconnected for having connections problems, you were removed for violating the channel rules. You then came in with the other client, effectively evading the ban, and it was lengthened from 24 hours to one week. You were arguing in channel with DustinWX and JennaLemon, asked to stop and did not, kept trying to upset her, saying things like her bf was off with his "other gf" and having sex with her, purely to get a reaction. You were told to stop, didn't, were muted by polar_bear, and kept on going. Then you were banned for a day, evaded that ban, and it was lengthened.

Now, it has been a week, but all of our automated systems are dead atm so we lost the ability to remove those easily. I can fix it as soon as the Freenode IRCops get around fto fixing the k-line on my IP address, as I can't even get onto the network at this time.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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30 Sep 2008, 10:43 pm

I'm still not unbanned; could a non-discredited admin (not Bateau) please respond to this? Just tell me what information I need to supply you with to make this happen.


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01 Oct 2008, 9:41 am

Lol Praetorius, you're full of it buddy. 'Connection problems', yeah right

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01 Oct 2008, 10:58 am

I miss all the action :P The chat is so seperate from the forum most members proberly dont even know its there,

Blue Jay
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01 Oct 2008, 6:08 pm

non-discredited??? I'm not sure if I should be insulted here or what...

There are still some rather major stability problems with Alex's server, and Freenode had split many servers earlier today for a resync, as things weren't updating across servers.

Please provide us the name of the server you were connecting to, and the ip/hostname of your computer so we can locate the error and resolve it.


edit: reason I want your current hostname/IP is because it is a huge pain to log dig to find that information. During any average week, I will generate 25-40mb of logs of #wrongplanet alone, and close to double that when you include the splinter channels I also am in.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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01 Oct 2008, 7:43 pm (6667) (

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Oct 2008, 9:55 pm

Should be fixed now, it indeed was stuck in the records due to the server non-sync, but it was a pain having to find which one (chat is not a server, rather a pointer to a lot of servers. kubrick on the other hand, is a single server)


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04 Oct 2008, 12:25 am

silentbob15 wrote:
what is it with the Irc, doesn't seem very member friendly
I think the chat isn't really connected with WP. It seems like a completely different place run by other people. I'm not even sure why it's associated with wrongplanet, because it's so different.