Orwell wrote:
What the hell, messygeek? You're being petty. You linked to a news story in News and Current Events. It is customary in that subforum to copy and paste (with attribution) all or a portion of the news story in question. No one is violating copyright laws here. You are the one who first posted that content on WP. And even if some obscure copyright law does apply here, how have your intellectual rights been attacked? What, simply because you can find some petty technicality to use against someone? In what way have you been harmed by that posting?
Grow up, you [edited by sinsboldly]
EDIT: Since Mr. Lassiter is known to be a troll here and in violation of WP TOS, one solution could be to permaban him and remove all posts and threads by him. Since the alleged "copyright infringement" was on an obviously baited thread he started, this would eliminate any such legal problems in addition to dealing with an [edited by sinsboldy]
That last one wasn't even a curse word. And you left in the curse word in the first sentence.