Round and round we go....
It's been a few days since I got your PM Alex:
From: alex
To: aspiesmom1
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:18 pm
Subject: pms
I can't do anything about your PMs for a while right now
I'm just wondering how long "a while" is? I realize you'll have to go poking in all sorts of secret places to push that little magic button and unflag my PM's, but gee, it'd be just great if you could see your way clear.
Also, where in the terms of service does it say a member may lose the ability to PM for PMing or posting something that isn't a violation of said TOS???
I have done nothing but attempt to avoid conflicts, and be a positive presence. I've benefitted by getting help when I needed it from some great members here, and tried to give back by helping others when/where appropriate.
But this website is like the big city and sometimes people, NT and AS alike, need to go somewhere a little quieter, a little homier, and the fact that you have made it so clear that you get bent out of shape about that is very unprofessional and alienates a lot of people, a lot of good people who in the past it seems had your back no matter what.
I would have kept this as a private message, but, ain't life ironic?
Mean what you say, say what you mean -
The new golden rule in our household! An Autism and psychology discussion forum.
Alex, I quote your recent TOS:
The following activities are unacceptable on WrongPlanet (whether actual content or links to sites with the content):
1. Offensive language and comments.
This includes swearing; racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. (a) language; behaviour intended to provoke (flaming) or belittle other members or groups of members (b); violent or sexually demeaning language or images (c). It includes harassment of any sort, of other members of WP, on the forums
2. Personal attacks.
This includes insinuation, ridicule and personal insults, regardless of whether direct or indirect. Attacking an opinion, belief or philosophy is acceptable, but attacking the person making the comments is not.
Mean what you say, say what you mean -
The new golden rule in our household! An Autism and psychology discussion forum.
Next time you post one of these - I assume your pm's and emails are not working?
Could you put "attn Alex" in the subject header so I know to avoid reading it since it clearly has nothing to do with me.
Could you also put the quote markers around Alex's bit that you've quoted so we can tell where Alex's stuff stops and starts and yours starts up again. Seeing how you posted in an open forum.
As far as I know - nobody gets paid for doing this site so complaining about how professional it is makes no sense. But I can't tell by the way you formatted your message if it is you or Alex that is complaining - are you a professional in the mental health field?
I think given the TOS you quoted that you might be booted yourself. PM's are definitely part of the forums. People who harass and make more work for forum managers are never popular with the forum managers - often it's easier to ban them.
And just because someone is aspie doesn't mean they will automatically understand or get along with or be more tolerant of other aspies - I find the opposite is more likely more often. I find it takes a real effort to read "she wrote the truth as she sees it, she may not have meant to be offensive".
And I find it shockingly bad forum ettiquette to quote a "pm" in the open forums. Since PMs are supposed to be "Private Messages". Some forums I belong to, will automatically ban anyone who quotes chat or PM in the open forums.